What is the Trinity? Is the Trinity Biblical? [Close-handed doctrine 4: The Godhead]

1 year ago

Welcome to This Week in the Word!
My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This week's study:
What is the Trinity? Is the Trinity Biblical? [Close handed doctrine 4: The Godhead]

Is the concept of the trinity real or just a catholic doctrine? The bible is very clear that the trinity is biblical. I know the word "trinity" is not found once in the bible, but that doesnt mean the concept of the word is not biblical. There are lots of words that are used to describe Jesus' attributes by christians that are not found ni the Bible. The word the Bible uses is "the Godhead". The bible speaks about the Godhead/Trinity in both the old testament and new testament. As a Christian you are a follower of Christ. The reason we follow Christ is because he is God. Christ's deity is connected to the Trinity doctrine. The Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is God, and the Father is God, and the Holy Ghost is God. 1 God in 3 persons.

In this series we will be discussing religion. There is good religion, but most is bad. Bad religion happens when men stray from what the bible says, either add to what is said or taking away from what is said. Either way the end result is the traditions of men. The bible says the traditions of men make the word of God of none effect.

Religion is very dangerous. Many people have "quit" God because of religion. Others find a false sense of hope in religion.

Everywhere religion lines up with the bible it is good, and everywhere religion strays from the bible it is corrupt. In this series we will be peeling back the layers of religion to expose different christian denominations and the doctrines they teach to see if they are biblically supported or man made.

If you have questions, please email me at TinyLifeBigMission@gmail.com
What is sent may be read on one of the videos unless you say otherwise.

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