'1965 NASA BUSTED - Stop Motion Animation Revealed' - 2016

1 year ago

Published Jan 1st 2016

"Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iR3R...
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NASA caught using Stop Motion Animation to keep up with the Soviet Space Program. Sad thing is, the Russian's attempt looks even faker than ours. Which is to be expected. We have Hollywood style effects and budgets, everyone else just tries to emulate. And that's obvious. How can the Earth look so different from the Soviet perspective compared to ours? Bigger budget? Better Sound Stages?
The crispness of this spacewalk compared to today's spacewalks is startling, to say the least. Modern spacewalks are done in pools, which is why the hazy look, despite having HD capabilities. But when you use toys and props on a smaller scale, things never look quite right."

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