Live Prop Trading Evaluation with DayTraderRockStar from beginning to end. Special 90% discount

1 year ago

Bulenox Signup
Coupon Code: dtr90

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At Day Trading Radio, we have been actively trading futures for over 15-17 years, perfecting a methodology that consistently keeps us out of bad trades and focuses solely on the highest probability setups. I showcase this methodology daily, despite juggling multiple responsibilities such as monitoring the market, trading stocks and options, and addressing inquiries.

I am writing to share an exciting opportunity with you. I have immense confidence in our methodology and the results it produces. Therefore, I am applying this strict criteria to an evaluation prop account, and I encourage you to do the same. The availability of discount coupons makes it extremely affordable to access these prop accounts. In a video, I walk you through the entire process of setting up the prop account, which will be streamed separately on our dedicated channel at Day Trading Radio.

Starting from tomorrow, I will be actively trading this evaluation account, focusing solely on the top three High Probability Setups (HPS) that I described in the video. These setups must meet specific criteria before any trade is executed. With my constant market presence throughout the day, we will gain a significant advantage. The stream will commence tomorrow, and you can find the links right here.

I invite you to join me on this thrilling journey, which I believe will provide an easy and effective solution for traders who aspire to venture into prop trading but are unsure how to begin. This opportunity serves as a perfect starting point, offering a clear roadmap towards success.

Don't miss out on this chance to follow my progress and witness first hand the power of our methodology. Sign up for the evaluation prop account today and embark on this remarkable adventure with us. Together, we can elevate our trading skills to new heights.

Best regards,


Sign up for Evaluation Account Sign up for 90% discount $14.95 Ninja trading License, Real time feed Rithmic

Bulenox Signup

When signed up apply dtr90 to any of the options for 90% off price

Use Coupon Code dtr90 for any of the Option 1

(OPTION 1) $25,000 / Up to 3 Contracts Account, 25k $14.50

(OPTION 1) $50,000 / Up to 7 Contracts Account, 50k $14.25

(OPTION 1) $100,000 / Up to 12 Contracts Account, 100K $19.95

(OPTION 1) $150,000 / Up to 15 Contracts Account, 150k $32.50

(OPTION 1) $250,000 / Up to 25 Contracts Account, 250K $53.50

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