Which Savings Account Option Should You Choose from Lloyds Bank? Overview of Interest Rates, Terms,

1 year ago

Lloyds Bank offers a variety of savings account options designed to cater to different needs. Here's an overview of their accounts, interest rates, and key features to help you make an informed decision:

Club Lloyds Advantage Saver:

Interest: 4.00% AER/3.93% gross variable interest if you make 3 or fewer withdrawals, 1.00% AER/gross variable if you make 4 or more withdrawals. Interest is paid monthly.
Minimum Deposit: £1
Term: 1 year, then it changes to a Standard Saver.
Withdrawals: Unlimited. Note that making 4 or more withdrawals results in a lower interest rate.
Available to Club Lloyds current account holders.
Club Lloyds Advantage ISA Saver:

Interest: 4.00% AER/3.93% tax-free variable monthly if you make 3 or fewer withdrawals, 1.00% AER/tax-free variable monthly if you make 4 or more withdrawals. Interest is paid monthly.
Minimum Deposit: £1
Term: 1 year, then it changes to an Instant Cash ISA.
Withdrawals: Unlimited. Similar to the Advantage Saver, making 4 or more withdrawals reduces the interest rate.
Available to Club Lloyds current account holders.
Cash ISA Saver:

Interest: 1.10% AER/tax-free on balances from £1 - £24,999, 1.35% AER/tax-free on balances from £25,000 - £99,999, 1.80% AER/tax-free on balances of £100,000 or more. An extra 0.40% AER/tax-free is added for Club Lloyds or Private Banking personal current account holders.
Minimum Deposit: £1
Term: 1 year, then it changes to an Instant Cash ISA.
Withdrawals: Instant. Interest is variable and paid twice per year.
Additional Interest: Extra interest for eligible Club Lloyds or Private Banking current account holders.
Club Lloyds Saver:

Interest: 1.50% AER/gross on balances from £1 - £24,999, 1.75% AER/gross on balances from £25,000 - £99,999, 2.20% AER/gross on balances of £100,000 or more. Interest is variable and can be paid monthly or after a year.
Minimum Deposit: £1
Term: 1 year, then it changes to a Standard Saver.
Withdrawals: Instant. Available to Club Lloyds current account holders.
Easy Saver:

Interest: 1.10% AER/gross on balances from £1 - £24,999, 1.35% AER/gross on balances from £25,000 - £99,999, 1.80% AER/gross on balances of £100,000 or more. Interest is paid after a year.
Minimum Deposit: £1
Term: 1 year, then it changes to a Standard Saver.
Withdrawals: Instant. Up to five Easy Saver accounts can be named for different savings goals.
Child Saver:

Interest: 3.00% AER/2.96% gross on balances from £1 - £5,000, 1.10% AER/1.09% gross on any excess above £5,000. Interest is paid monthly.
Minimum Deposit: £1
Term: Until the child's 16th birthday, then it changes to an adult Easy Saver.
Withdrawals: Unlimited.
Smart Start:

Interest: 2.65% AER/2.62% gross on balances from £1 - £1,000, 0.90% AER/gross on any excess above £1,000. Interest is paid after each month.
Minimum Deposit: £1
Term: After the child's 18th birthday, the savings account changes to an adult Standard Saver. The spending account changes to an adult Classic Account.
Withdrawals: Unlimited. Requires a Club Lloyds current account.
Club Lloyds Monthly Saver:

Interest: 6.25% AER/gross fixed. Interest is paid after a year.
Monthly Deposit: £25-£400
Term: 1 year, then it changes to a Standard Saver.
Withdrawals: Instant. Available to Club Lloyds current account holders.
Monthly Saver:

Interest: 5.25% AER/gross fixed. Interest is paid after a year.
Monthly Deposit: £25-£250
Term: 1 year, then it changes to a Standard Saver.
Withdrawals: Instant.
Consider your savings goals, deposit amount, desired term, and withdrawal needs when choosing the right savings account from Lloyds Bank.

If you are looking to earn higher rates on your savings, please email ben@benjaminzmiller.com.

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