The FEELING STATES of MANIFESTATION ( part 2 with Kari Star)

1 year ago

Setting the scene for this video about experiencing states of manifestation to inspire you to do so too. 41.14 Kari: “I want to say something. I was in class about non resistance, Eckardt Tolle, learning to be in the now moment- it was like a mountain….two steps up one step down…. and you’re just like, “click”, like this. You just take any incident in your day, create a perception of how you’re going to be with it, and apply it. And you’re there. -Instead of all this struggling….’work on being in the now moment now…oh my God, it just seems like a never-ending battle! This just seems like party!”

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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Topic: INSPIRITION: Activating Human Potential 8pm GMT session
Time: Aug 9, 2023 08:00 PM London
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We begin laughing with hairy stories… :)
1.05 Introducing the exercise: to explore when we set intention and we do this thing called conscious creating, how does the energy move through our bodies…..
2.22 As we shift in energy, manifestation shifts too
2.40 We are looking at the actual feeling in the body of manifesting
3.00 We are going to play a game to experience this in an exaggerated way so that we can begin to think of conscious manifestation as a normal accessible thing.
3.3o Kari agrees. :)
3.40 I explain the why’s and wherefores of what is fascinating me to materialise.
5.15 I invite Kari to find something to manifest herself….in this experience
5.30 we use finger clicks to help us switch into different states.
6.00 the game: Kari uses her column of light, I use my little amphitheatre ( council ring) in our SOUL ROOMS: when we step into that space, the full materialise version is present so that we can experience the difference and the feeling inner three dimensional bodies and beyond so that we can get use dot feeling the difference.
7.30 the countdown to start: we go ‘in’ for thirty seconds….
8.08 Kari invited to describe what she felt IN the manifestations realisation. -total relaxation, opening up, energy rising up the chakras- the way it’s9.45 We want to get these tools into our daily lives, supposed to be. Quiet, natural strong and peaceful.
9.45 We need to be able to use these tools in everyday situations: any time, anywhere.- doing the washing-up, for example….( we share an inside joke about washing up- synchronicity at work…evidence of manifestation.)
11.45 While Kari was in her column of light, I was holding hands….for my manifestation experiment…
12.00 I invite Kari to choose an everyday activity- then we go back into our manifestation space…to be able to FEEL what it is like when we are engaged in an every-day activity. TO be able to demonstrate how we can hold this manifestational energy force when we are doing normal stuff.
13.30 Recalling A room full of ashes moment to describe these other states of energy….when I was in PURE joy, just eating sweetcorn.
14.50 Kari: isn’t the SOUND a part of it. Without the sound it is not quite as good….
15.30 describing how my diaphragm changes form, shape and muscular activity when this energy pours through…
16.00 Kari says how that felt when i helped get her voice down into her body.
17.00 Kari’s beautiful idea of having recordings made of people names. How a spirit is called into body, by using their name.
18.30 I count down then we are in the state to experience manifestation process whilst being in an everyday activity. ( spiritual body role-play…) Making this process of Source-energy connection, manifestation NORMAL.
19.00 Kari chose getting ready for her nutritional drink…expressing her soul loud whilst in her full soul presence…( her column of light).
21.00 Imagine if we all started to talk to ourselves in this wonderful ‘cheerleading’ talk!
21.40 Kari expands this into being in her car, and feeling in our Source energy full connection.
22.15 Kari describes being in a full vegan state and being so high…and we discuss the joys of foods for our body.
24.00 Kari exercises this decision making of choice, not through torture and control, but through joyous alignment.
25.00 Ways of giving sweet affection back to ourselves. Personal pep talks…
25.00 Kari is buying magic wands….for people….and paper crowns. ( -in her Mary Poppins bag- see previous videos…; ) )
27.00 Now we take the experience of manifestation energy, we hone it down to one specific thing: Kari- being able no tot snack and eat before bed. So the state we wish to materialise is: asking Kari to describe the feeling she wants to BE IN. “To feel satisfied and comfortable.”
28.45 Kari finds her solution: to write down in her journal ten beautiful things she has experienced in the day.
29.33 We go back into our Source field to feel the manifestation working through us. we apply the 16 second ‘rule’.
30.00 I want to hone in on the specifics of the feeling manifesting : literally how this feels in the body. What I want for everyone to start truly experiencing.
31.00 my example is giving me the giggles of joy….
32.45 We come out and report. Kari suggests a good thing to teach people- to attract the man of her dreams… Kari describes all the thoughts.
35.10 I invite Kari to explain how this difference felt, between normal thinking and our enhanced Source-connected manifestation. “Going from a shadowy, negative experience, to one of accepting, receiving joy and being, receiving- instead of just blocking.”
35.20 I ask Kari to explain HOW we did that today: “By imagining relaxing being in my space of who I am - my soul room- which you taught me and sitting in my pillar of light room that I created there, and letting go of all resistance.”- because you CAN in that space.
36.00 I ask Kari WHAT this pillar of LIGHT IS: “The light…is LOVE It is a frequency of LOVE. They say, love and light is the same thing. But the light is a more physical manifestation in this world of the love frequency. So you are sitting in the love frequency.” - in the divine, Source-field.
36.36 Kari explains: “You’re dissolving the barrier between your body and the divine light, so that it can penetrate you and you can receive it.”
37.00 We can take this toroidal field ( the column of light) with us everywhere we walk- its just a change of perception. Realising we can actively switch this on.- what I do when i sit here to do these sessions. When I come and do this it is “extra Whoooom” ( the downloading of Source Energy into my body), and it’s just because of intention.
37.40 Kari: “Every time in in these little shows with you, I get fully in the field of light. - Fully. It’s why I love being on here, because I am learning to use that. And I’ve noticed differences, where I’ve decided, Oh! I’m going to focus on joy right now. And I’m just surprise dhow high i get. It’s not that this is foreign to me, it’s just become a habit to be negative. “
38.11 I explain it’s also because everything we have been used to has made this out to be difficult and tortuous, because that was the matrix programming.
38.40 Take it, know it ,have it, live it know it- it’s YOU!
38.44 Our mothers weren’t joyfully doing things…they weren’t taught this way…I add some spice to the mix…
40.0 I ask Kari whether she thinks we demonstrated this sufficiently to give some more information….this is our birthright our inheritance.
41.14 Kari: “I want to say something. I was in class about non resistance, Eckardt Tolle, learning to be in the now moment- it was like a mountain….two steps up one step down…. and you’re just like, “click”, like this. You just take any incident in your day, create a perception of how you’re going to be with it, and apply it. And you’re there. -Instead of all this struggling….’work on being in the now moment now…oh my God, it just seems dlil a never-ending battle! This just seems like party!”
42.12 It’s because I knew it already, - for whatever reason, I held on to that piece of knowledge coming in. But because I’ve been allowed to work with children, - and children don’t have all that ‘crap’, they don’t have all that programming, They have quite a lot, and they’ll start going oh oh I cant………and I just say “Of course you can, don’t be silly, if I can do it, and i’m an old adult, how many times older am I than you? - you can!” - And so we just go into silly fun. …
43.00 because I’ve proven it so many times, with so many small-bodied beings, i know its only the programming we’ve inherited from our dark, stupid, overlord-structure (overlords, who think they were..) Matrix, that got in the way.
43.14 Kari: “that one was all force and domination, which made it so ugly, and so resistant, made us resist- right? - All this growing up in resistance. -That’s what I do in my work: theres no resistance left. It’s all good! And then all of a sudden, everybody’s free, and they are back in the garden of Eden.”Haaaah! is this for real?’ - yeah, you can do it any time you want!”
43.44 We hi five- Kari:”that’s why we laugh so much when we get together: we want to be kids, we want to be free- and that’s all being a kid is. You can be an intelligent, free kid. We’e just ‘adult-kids’. And in my work, when you wake up into that freedom you are a child, you realise you are the innocence of your purity of your child- grown-up, free and you’re - horny.” :) This is Kari’s exceptional book: THE GREAT CIRCLE OF DESIRE: The Sexual Phenomenon
141 Page Ebook Order here:
We discuss the imbalances of how the world has treated this.
And we finish with the spirit of fun!

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