Chattel pledge cattle capitalis NAIDS GRAPHENE OXIDE 5 year shelf life NSAID asprin Bayer @ the moon

1 year ago

graphene oxide is produced from charring the surface of meat on a barbecue
& the pyrolysis of protein in air forms nitrogen doped graphene oxide
Automotive exhaust, smoke stacks, & most soot sources like coal fired plants
contain graphene & graphene stacked on top of each other is called Graphite
so how did videos prove it was graphene oxide vs soot in Food, Drink, & Meds

Nutritionally acquired immune deficiency syndromes is called NAIDS vs naids
a Proto-Indo-European word for insult hatred, hate, hostility, enmity, animosity

the current Law definition of Chattel is any movable Personal property as opposed to a fixed immovable real property like land, derived through chatel & chattel is Old French cattle is an Old Norman word & Latin capitalis for movable personal property, & some common law systems use personalty as short hand for personal property

aspirin is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that gains a vinegary smell as salicylic acid & acetic acid gradually hydrolyzes to salicylate & acetate when it finally REALLY goes bad at 5 years after the 3 year date at which the manufacturer can still guarantee the full potency safety fo a 8 year shelf life but the military & FDA found 90% of prescription & over-the-counter drugs were perfectly good "UP TO" 15 years after the expiration date & a few can last 40 years BUT aspirins were "safe" a max of 10 years from manufacture BUT Bayer never conducted a study on aspirin that lasted more than four years because its MASSIVELY expensive

an anti vaxer requested a study of web pics of graphene oxide published in scientific journals that would look black or brown at 1% graphene oxide compared to a mystery a clear vial claimed as 99.9% graphene oxide where he described his results as non-conclusive in the disclaimer & any Definitive identification of material in the sample requires further specific spectroscopic analysis & said it's just a descriptive study of microscopic, observation of test sample based on a single unknown Origin non traceable vial received by courier, & "labeled as" COVID-19 mRNA. “COMIRNATY Sterile concentrate. 6 doses after dilution. Discard date / time: PAA165994. LOT / EXP: EY3014 08/2021 in Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Assistant Professor of Genetics, Pablo G. Cámara Interim report on GRAPHENE OXIDE DETECTION IN AQUEOUS SUSPENSION OBSERVATIONAL STUDY IN OPTICAL & ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

Hundreds of videos of random PEOPLE show it in Foods, Drinks, and Medications?
I have in my hand as write the reply the Observational Study in optical and electron microscopy Interim report dated June 28th 2021 by Prof. Dr. Pablo Camara Madrid 17 page report Indisputably proves & clearly shows conclusive comparison to reduced GRAPHENE OXIDE Detection in aqueous suspension by microscopy to 200 nano meters
Bayer replaced real Aspirin with NAIDS says it all.
I had a Pfizer dosage.I felt it moving from my arm across my back into my head, & After 4 years my arm still hurts. I knew I had been poisoned. I probably would have died I almost died. BUT
i had real acetylsalicylic acid from an old 1940's canister along with other medications on hand to thin my blood, but God was with me. Let me tell you something I watched so many Doctors loss honor in this culling of man I am disgusting to be of the same species. 1000's of Doctors did expose this evil only to be discredited or killed. The day of the LORD is coming. Evil has no limits Anything but simple honestly. For what? Gold dirt you have been Capitalized. By law that YOU did not read. After examination of all contractual agreements of society law I find that 49% of mankind has agreed to such treatment as by agreement to the denotation of = "pledge" if YOU do not look at the denotation of the aforementioned word there is not much point in continuation of this discussion Would you let brethren die.. Think carefully about what YOU value. Gold dirt or mankind which is YOUR family. Good day. = the Demonization of waptek

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