Demonstrating Manifestation Energy-Flow

1 year ago

Experiments in Manifestation STATES: where I describe various states of energy movement during the process of conscious manifestation, so you can go and try it out yourself.

I intend to call in information about the coming month how best to work with this. I allow in sound to help prepare me for the information. I see the earth energy-toroid is moving in two directions….from Source down and from the vital earth up….
In this exploration and presenting methods of manifestation- in my case, I want to clear the way so that I can be with my man- as we were prevented for being together this summer, due to dark-entity security issues.
I describe being in the state of infinite receptivity to something new:
I then discuss the state of receptivity: ‘a pot of nothing’ making the comparison of a potter making a pot on a wheel from a lump of clay.

Discussing how I use sound to access information- understanding where the Will is sat…

An All-out exploration of Human Technology- discovering WHAT can a human do…..

I have my eyes shut sometimes because the energy moving is a little too much to keep my eyes open sometimes…

17.00 If I can plant an idea like I plant seeds….

The different frequencies that I allow-in, change the way that I experience my physical apparatus. I want us to explore this as a human race : the difference in energy movement in the human body.

I cannot wait to start a new series all about movement coming from within the human being- from their “inner-tuition”, their spirit self, telling them, “this would be good for you” - to increase the flow of energy, to allow more expansion, more fun, happiness, joy….
20.00 I explain how this moves through my body: as a singer I work with my lungs and diaphragm in singing- explaining how this changes with the energy flow.
diaphragm as a figure of eight movement….
21.50 I keep thinking of, ‘there’ being different from ‘here’. If I want to bring myself over to there, I need to bring the closeness- remembering the tesseract in, “A Wrinkle in Time”, -we need to bend it not move. Be at one frequency and then at the new one.

Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address


37365 is the destination tag

51.00minutes Kari says: “SO what you are doing- so what is your mission? Is your mission to teach all these things that you’re teaching me, for free, which I love, - Im attracted to and I want to be part of it- because it gets me higher than a kite and empowered. every time, by talking to you.”
51.1- “My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.
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