Adama - Telos II - Chapter 7

1 year ago

In Chapter 7 of "Telos II," Adama discusses the significance of the Violet Flame, also known as the Flame of Transmutation and the Flame of Freedom. This flame is associated with the seventh ray, overseen by Master Saint Germain, who brings this transformative and liberating energy to Earth for its ascension.

The chapter emphasizes the accumulation of energies throughout lifetimes – energies of pain, suffering, and actions towards oneself or others. These energies create a unique record in the universe until they are transmuted. Every thought, word, action, and feeling generates energy, which either aligns with patterns of Light or diverges into low-intensity vibrations contrary to the Light. These non-Light vibrations linger with those who generated them, accumulating rather than dissipating.

Adama addresses the ancient nature of souls, having undergone numerous incarnations and experiences on Earth. Despite the potential for accumulating negative energies, he reassures that God Father/Mother would not permit this stagnation. The Violet Flame acts as a tool for transmutation, converting these energies into Love and Light. This process requires understanding, wisdom, and learning from each type of energy.

Cleansing involves learning lessons with Love and ensuring that energies are not merely accumulated within the soul as stagnant, lifeless remnants. Adama encourages the use of the Violet Flame to transmute these energies, asking for their transformation into Love and Light, initiating a process of soul cleansing.

Even unresolved energies and persistent lessons can be addressed with the Violet Flame. It won't erase the lessons but can diminish their intensity, making them more manageable while still serving the purpose of learning and growth. The Violet Flame is a powerful tool that can be invoked limitlessly through personal invocations.

Adama advocates surrendering to the Violet Flame's guidance, allowing it to illuminate paths and seeking assistance from Master Saint Germain. Meditation practices are recommended, and individuals are encouraged to create their own daily invocations. Trust in the Light's ability to provide what's necessary for one's journey is highlighted, while reliance on personal understanding and ego-driven choices is discouraged. The key is to follow the guidance of the Higher Self and use the Violet Flame to transmute any obstructing energies, ultimately facilitating the correct path of evolution.

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