Adama - Telos II - Chapter 5

1 year ago

In Chapter 5 of "Telos II," Adama addresses the profound topic of consciousness-altering plants and their impact on human evolution. He emphasizes that these plants, originally created by God the Father/Mother, were intended to facilitate access to higher knowledge and connection with evolved beings. However, as human consciousness fell, these plants were manipulated and distorted to create addiction and dependency.

Adama warns against the illusion that these substances provide a shortcut to higher realms. He highlights that external control, even by high-vibration beings, should not replace inner spiritual growth. The pursuit of temporary pleasures through drugs detaches individuals from reality and exposes them to conscious energies that feed on their weaknesses. He advises against seeking enlightenment outside oneself, as true balance, light, and love are found within.

The chapter emphasizes personal choices and their consequences. Young souls, destined to be Pillars of Light during ascension, were led astray by indulging in drugs. Adama emphasizes that the path to higher states must be found within, not through external substances. He underscores the importance of making conscious choices, urging readers to reconsider their involvement in the drug world and recognize the long-term consequences.

Adama addresses the potential for recovery but highlights that extensive healing may be required due to the toll on all levels of one's being. He stresses that genuine healing depends on individual commitment and willingness to reconnect with the Higher Self.

The chapter concludes by affirming that life is a journey of choices. Adama encourages readers to choose the path of personal growth, reminding them that reincarnation offers the opportunity to learn from past decisions. The choice to align with inner energy, love, and spiritual evolution remains paramount, offering a chance to alter the trajectory of one's journey and create a more enlightened future.

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