News Discussion Questions for Today Follow The Globalist Trail to Treason?

1 year ago

Ever noticed what globalist do?
America was not for sell.

Since when does the FBI have the authority to censor free speech? It is the same time it has the authority to influence elections. According to the Constitution, it doesn’t. Yet government has become so large and so unaccountable, the FBI and other unelected administrative actors (can you say IRS, DHS, EPA, CDC, CMS, just to name a few?) can act like dictators in their own little kingdoms and get away with it. When the FBI comes to a company and implies that the information for which that company is responsible, is misinformation, disinformation or malinformation and it has to be suppressed, that company will cave rather than face the consequences of investigations or fines. That’s jack-boot power.

When there is a company like Twitter or Facebook that is already accepting of leftist political agendas and wants to censor MDM (yes, they now have an acronym for misinformation, disinformation or malinformation; it’s a thing), and the FBI implies it needs censoring, that information is going to get censored. If the CDC says to a hospital that it must use a health protocol or not get paid, that hospital is going to use the protocol even if it is killing people. These unelected agencies have too much power and they are all too eager to use it. Just like the January 6 Committee preferring charges against Donald Trump. Cannot people see this is so politically motivated to prevent Trump from running again? What happened to free elections?

If you look at the FBI behavior over the past two elections, you would see that the FBI is keeping its own coup. From the time the Obama Administration in league with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee used FBI falsified information to get the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to allow the FBI to spy on Trump’s presidential campaign, elections were no longer free, let alone fair. These underhanded and unconstitutional actions are not those of just individuals, but of political agendas, of principalities within the organization. The same is true for other agencies within the Federal government. Someday, it may well be understood or revealed that the entire COVID 19 pandemic was even worse than manipulating elections because it was doing so with life and death.

As Christians, we are called by our faith, our Messiah, to be law abiding. That is, unless the law is unjust. The apostles in Acts 5 defying the Sadducees strict orders against teaching Christ, saying in verse 29, “We ought to obey God rather than men,” is one such example. Daniel refusing to bow down and worship Nebuchadnezzar and Obadiah protecting God’s prophets from Jezebel’s death decree are other examples. These are illustrations of being coerced to do something unjust. While your vote is supposed to be made freely, what of you being misled to vote a certain way? Not really coercion, rather lack of discernment. But the government coercing people or entities to do unjust acts for fear of reprisal is a different beast. And this is what we wrestle against—the principalities, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. A beast.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson/DJ

Notice the Pictures the Devoured Use
It is a tactic they use to deceive because they think people are small minded stupid.
Watch that video yet of Obama saying it? The globalist do that tactic often.
Double Standards Exist

Jill Biden is not elected to nothing so she did wrong if you say Retired Three Star General Gary Volesky did. Why the double standards? So what was Jill's consequence? God Alpha and Omega will judge her and all globalists. They chose but darkness never understands the light.

Did you hear what Jill's first husband said about Biden and Jill? If you missed it you got to hear it. How terrible those two treated him.

Any doubts why God Alpha and Omega and Jesus are not globalists. Globalists follow the advice of is not God or Jesus.

Listen to Lance videos. Follow the links.


BIBLE Prophecy Advances


Don’t you just shake your head in amazement when leftists like First Lady Jill Biden think they are so above everyone else that they can throw out racist remarks and clothe them in love and respect. Mrs. Biden thinks that race and ethnicity are tied to food. Hence, Biden in a speech to the radical left National Council of La Raza, compared the Hispanic diversity in San Antonio with other cities “as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio.” Immediately, the Hispanic community caught on to the subtleties and launched a social media attack thanking her for clarifying that Democrats think Hispanics are “unique” like tacos. Biden’s remarks were considered culturally insensitive and racist.

The White House staff, which is so accustomed to the Biden family’s inappropriate, and quite frankly, stupid remarks, took nearly 24 hours to come up with an apology—probably because they were burning up the phones like habanero peppers trying to cool down their political base. Finally, the First Lady’s press secretary Michael LaRosa, issued a statement: “The First Lady apologizes that her words conveyed anything but pure admiration and love for the Latino community.” From the culturally incompetent Mrs. Biden’s perspective, she could establish an entire restaurant menu of ethnic and racial slurs. Just think what she could do with fried chicken, potatoes, perogies, curry, fish and chips, sushi and fortune cookies.

Liberals believe they can use racial slurs because, after all, they are the ones fighting racism and their slurs are done out of love. Or it’s just part of the “debate.” Let’s rewind to August 16, 2020 when late show host Stephen Colbert asked Kamala Harris how she went from being a passionate opponent of Biden because of his racist past to becoming pals? She laughed off the question, saying it was a debate. Colbert replied, “So, you don’t mean it?” Harris responded, “It was a debate. The whole evening, literally, it was a debate.” Harris’s accusations that Biden supported racism and worked in the Senate to continue the Jim Crow segregation laws against Black Americans were extraordinarily serious, yet she passed these off as just “a debate.” It’s deeper than that. The Democratic Party historically has disenfranchised Black Americans.

For over 100 years after the Civil War, Democrats instituted Jim Crow laws that oppressed Black voting, mandated segregation of public schools, public places, public transportation, housing, restrooms, drinking fountains, and restaurants. Jim Crow Laws incarceratedBlacks for the smallest of crimes to prevent them from voting. Joe Biden was part and parcel to this dark history. These laws began to be deconstructed with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, although these reforms were opposed by Democrats at all levels of government well into the 1970s. Many residuals of these laws still remain. Leftists and systemic racism are like what Christ said in Matthew 15:8, “These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.” Who are the Biden’s and their ilk fooling? To me, it’s, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

There seems to be a pattern that the uniparty elite crowd does. This sadly even happens in the popular elite crowd who cancel culture others. That attitude does NOT come from GOD or Jesus.
Did you watch the other video that showed Obama saying people are small minded that needs controlled?

Did Obama say

Listen to the Sound of Alarm



War Room explains.

The sexual predation of America’s children must stop. Corporations, the government, school systems and nonprofits have been poisoned by some sort of sex lust for children that they are aiding and abetting sexual predation of children. Drag queens reading children books, the Southern Poverty Law Center providing explicitly transgender best practices guide for school kids, school districts lying to parents about the gender-grooming in public schools. You and I need to step in. This horror show is a ticket to a totally abhorrent society in the years to come, and this government-sanctioned sex abuse of our children must end. These people must be prosecuted and removed from any contact with children.

Allowing the LGBTQ+ community access to elementary and high schools may be a primary cause of suicide among LGBTQ+ preteen and teen recruits. This “grooming” of minor children by LGBTQ+ activists welcomed by school systems appears to be leading children down such a path of guilt and confusion that studies indicate they are committing suicide at alarming rates compared with their heterosexual peers. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health analyzed 10,311 suicides ages 12-29 using information from the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) found that adolescents aged 12 to 14 who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender are more likely to die by suicide than heterosexual teens of the same age.

The researchers concluded that one out of four pre- and early teen suicides were among LGBTQ+ youth. Moreover, suicide rates among older LGBTQ+ youth are also higher than rates among heterosexual teens. A 2018 study also found that LGBTQ+ teenagers are three times as likely—that’s 75% more likely--to attempt suicide as their heterosexual peers. This is so bad that the LGBTQ+ community felt compelled to initiate the Trevor Project as a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ young people under 25. The Trevor Project website says that “LGBTQ young people are more than four times more likely to attempt suicide than their peers, and suicide remains the second leading cause of death among all young people in the United States.”

The Trevor Project donor list is a “Who’s Who” of Corporations ($12.1 million), the government ($85,071) and various others totaling in 2020 some $34.6 million. The sexual grooming and recruitment of children in schools, ad campaigns, and entertainment (say Disney for me) to accept the LGBTQ+ lifestyle obviously leads children to severe enough mental conflict that they not only consider suicide, they do it. THEY KILL THEMSELVES. If heterosexuals organized and went into schools to groom kids for sex, they would be arrested for a host of sex crimes. If LGBTQ+ people want to pursue that lifestyle as adults, it is between them and their God. But LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE. Romans 12:21 exhorts, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” This sexual predation of children is evil. Don’t fear the bully. Stand for the children.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Daily Jot

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