Why We Shouldn't Take Women's Rights Away - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from JD and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I recently just listened to your episode End of Sandman Era. This is very sad to hear. Please continue making Mgtow content. Different formats are good, we really like your worldly insights in with Mgtow. I really like your Meme series, those are hilarious. You should consider Locals. Better Bachelor, and a several other Mgtow content creators are there. I use the phone app and buy credits to subscribe to their content. I keep hoping you’ll one day put your stuff there. I would subscribe to you. You can post both video and Podcasts. Please continue with your Mgtow content. Yours is the best out there. Very informative, creative, funny and just awesome." Well JD thanks for the donation and comments. You've convinced me to look into mirroring my content on locals. It probably won't take me longer than a few minutes a day to post on there. As for making content there are benefits to doing this everyday that go way beyond the monetary ones. I realised back in my 20s that if I wanted to maintain my sanity I would have to spend at least 4 to 5 hours a day keeping my nogging joggin otherwise my brain would eat itself. I would start feeling depression and restlessness from being idle. The last ten years if I had just taken all my money got into massive amounts of debt to buy property and bought tech stocks and crypto I would have been much further financially than just working on my content, saving and investing in dividend stocks. Today there's way too much competition on YouTube and as most of you know I've been demonitized and even when YouTube monetized my Sandman 2 channel a few months later they demonitized all my videos again. Lately I've been thinking deeply about the problem of collapsing fertility rates and depopulation. Humans don't realise exponential growth and in this case exponential decline work. Many critics of men going their own way say that we will end the species because we promote that men shouldn't get married. Men walking away from marriage with good reason is only one factor determining the collapse of population. The factors that lead to below replacement fertility rates include urbanization, 5000$ a year income, women's rights to education work and control of their fertility. It's often said that the person that figures out how we can live in a prosperous civilization where women keep all of their rights will be the most important person in the 21st century.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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