Finally: Turkish Launch New Attack Helicopter To Replace the T129 ATAK

1 year ago

Finally: Turkish Launch New Attack Helicopter To Replace the T129 ATAK

Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) last week unveiled a preliminary prototype of its all-electric, unmanned, six-ton T629 attack helicopter. The aircraft, which is expected to make its first flight later this year, reflects the growing interest in military applications for electric propulsion and autonomous flight capability.

The T629 is intended to be used as a platform for search and rescue, anti-ship and anti-submarine warfare, and to support Turkey's existing manned T129 ATAK helicopters by flying utility and reconnaissance missions. Similar in silhouette to the two-seat ATAK model, which is also manufactured by government-owned TAI, the T629 has been under development since 2017 and will be capable of carrying anti-tank and unguided missiles. TAI has not disclosed any details about the new aircraft's electric propulsion system or other technology used for the prototype.

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