Business Hires Fake Priest - Judge Thapar on Clarence Thomas - Adam Blai on Occult In Culture

1 year ago

Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Wednesday, June 28th - 2023 – St. William of Vercelli

St. William of Vercelli, a nobleman born in 1085 in Vercelli, Italy, had a deep longing to renounce the world and live as a hermit. At a young age, he built a hermitage at Monte Vergine, where his sanctity and miracles attracted numerous disciples. A community formed around him, and a church dedicated to Our Lady was erected on the site.

An extraordinary phenomenon was observed at the Monte Vergine monastery. According to the rule, the monks were forbidden to consume meat, eggs, milk, or cheese. Whenever someone attempted to bring forbidden food into the monastery, storm clouds would appear in the sky, and lightning would destroy the illicit items.

These events, which demonstrated God's desire for the traditions of penance and austerity upheld by St. William, highlight the beautiful harmony and contrasts of the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church, in that era, not only fostered intellectual pursuits but also emphasized manual labor and encouraged both active and contemplative lives.

Upon St. William's death on June 25, 1142., his institution ceased to exist, and the monastery was handed over to the Benedictines of Monte Cassino. In reverence to St. William, these Benedictine monks adopted the white habit of his order, displaying their love for tradition and their hope for the restoration of the Order of St. William.

From St. William's life, we can draw inspiration. We can emulate his unwavering trust in Divine Providence, even when he was excluded from his own order. And we can aspire to possess the same wisdom and humility he exhibited while advising the King of Naples.

St. William of Vercelli, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Wednesday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, Business hires a fake priest to hear the confessions of employees to spy on them | Knights of Columbus to host Mass in Masonic Auditorium at International Peace Garden | California's 'Price Gouging' Law Goes Into Effect

Also – at 30 past the hour, Judge Thapar on to discuss Clarence Thomas

Plus – in the next hour, Adam Blai is on to discuss the occult in popular culture

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

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