Children of God — Love and Belonging

1 year ago

As children of God we are part of a family with God as our Father and many brothers and sisters. To maintain strong family ties and build close relationships, Jesus provided us the key.
He instructed his disciples, his followers, to love others in the same way that he had loved them.
This is a tall order! And yet it is vital to maintaining the bonds that bind families and church brethren together. So how do we love one another? And what is love, agape, as defined by the God whose defining characteristic is love?
Jesus’ parable of the servants who owed a debt gives us insight into one of love’s chief characteristics. James' metaphor about the tongue and how we speak to and about others highlights another aspect of love. Paul’s instructions to the Romans provides us with a broad summary of God’s application of the qualities of love.
Join us in this journey through the scriptures to understand how we can enhance our love of others in practical ways, in order to build up our family relationships.

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