Watch this CAT meet 50 dogs at a dog show

1 year ago

Watch what happens when 50 different dogs go nose to nose with Boomer (a CAT) The reaction of the dogs is priceless. IS THE BENGAL BREED RIGHT FOR YOU? READ MY BLOG
Thanks for subscribing and sharing our videos. FYI - I have 34 years experience as a professional animal trainer, please do not try this at home.

Boomer is a (well trained) Bengal, and although the breed is amazingly beautiful, they are not for everyone, 1st they are part WILD and don't like being confined in houses, but if you let them out to roam they are killing machines to the local wildlife (SAD), they're not considered lap cats, most don't like being held, they are incredibly mischievous, and a lot of time every day has to be put in to exercise this breed. They also escape artists, and they are known to meow louder and more frequently than most breeds. It's not fair to these cats to just stare at them all day, they will go crazy! I have a Bengal for professional purposes, after all, I have over 34 years as a professional animal trainer. Many of the cat tricks or other behaviors you see in my videos I spent many hours, days, and months perfecting, don't try this at home. Didga is a Moggy/Tabby from the shelter and is a fantastic kitty and was easier to teach then Boomer. I'm not saying don't get one (actually I am) just know the commitment that will be needed when bringing this breed into your home. Or just live vicariously through me and my posts of Boomer. (Think before you buy) It's BEST to ADOPT DON'T SHOP.

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