Current News | "Outrage After Russian Missile Kills 1 in Ukraine Hotel Attack" |#ukraine #russia

1 year ago

Current News | "Outrage After Russian Missile Kills 1 in Ukraine Hotel Attack" | #shorts #news

On Thursday evening, a Russian missile struck a hotel in the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia, leaving one person dead and injuring 16 others. The United Nations staff were using the hotel when the attack occurred, leading to a statement from UN humanitarian coordinator for Ukraine, Denise Brown, which denounced the Russian assault. She went on to say that, "This is absolutely unacceptable." The heartbreaking tragedy has sparked global outrage with people calling for an end to the violence and resolution of the conflict. The attack has further strained relations between Ukraine and Russia, and the UN is pushing for a swift investigation into the incident.

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2. UN condemns Russian attack ,
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7. Investigation into Zaporizhzhia attack

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