Sound of Freedom and Why Congressional Democrats HATE it

1 year ago

Sound of Freedom and Why Congressional Democrats HATE it

Last Week the speaker of the house invited both democrats and republicans to go watch a free screening of sound of freedom. It was an effort to bring the parties together on this important issue. Not one single democrat went. Today we dig for the truth and see what happened, but more important why. Any what we find may shock you.

Sound of Freedom is about to begin it’s first wave of international releases, and unfortunately the terrible people that hate this film are not just in America. The movie is not even out yet and few people outside of America has seen it, and they are already attacking it.

Sound of Freedom is under attack on the international stage already. What has president biden or any other high profile democrats said about sound of freedom in Ameirca? Nothing. And they are not saying anything about it because they have an agenda ladies and gentlemen. They want this fire to die down as quickly as possible, and they will do everything that can to destroy this movement, from attacking Jim Caviezel for his faith, to attacking the main star of the movie, his religion, saying the movie’s not accurate, anti-Semitic, and every other thing you could possibly think of.

The newest attack in America is from the liberal media saying that Sound of Freedom is not Christian enough. Can you believe all of the attacks from every angle conceivable by these people who hate Sound of Freedom. And make no mistake, the liberal media and the far-left democrats are the same people.

The issue of child transportation is being fought throughout the country. In washington dc, and at your local and state levels as well. Just for example, less than 2 weeks ago, California Democrats blocked a bill to classify child transportation as a “serious felony”. They have the 3 strikes law in california. Once convicted of a third strike, you could automatically face 25 years to life in prison. California Democrats are fighting to not have child transportation identified as a “serious felony” so that it cannot be part of the 3 strikes law. If you are a convicted Pedo, you get a slap on the write because to these awful people, that’s not a serious crime.
Sound of Freedom and Why Congressional Democrats HATE it

So much has changed on this issue over the past 10 years. We take a look at a report from The Hill from May 20, 2014. Karen Bass was a member of the democratic party that served in the US House of Representatives from 2011 to 2022. Today, she’s the mayor of los angeles. In this 2014, both democrats and republicans claimed they were committed to ending "transportation". But today, the democrats are silent and we are about to expose why.

Last June, Republican and Democratic women members of the House of Representatives joined forces to sign a proclamation that “Our Daughters are Not for Sale” where they declared a shared commitment to end human trafficking and exploitation of American girls.

And thankfully it was not long until the men followed suit with a “Fathers of Congress” event with members from both parties and both representatives and senators coming together for one single purpose: giving their voices to help girls in the United States who are being bought and sold for sex.

So what happened between then and now for this change? I mean, Republicans haven’t changed their stance? What happened with the democrats?

I cannot stress enough to our international friends around the world, do not let people talk you out of seeing Sound of Freedom. Every single one of their pathetic attacks on this movie and movement have been debunked, right here on this channel. These Democrats hate this film, hate the movement, hate America, and hate you. To the democrats who still have a shred of decency and morality, stop following the most extreme leaders in your party, like sheep.

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