THE WAR OF HUMANS ON HUMANS, AND ON GOD’S CREATION - As the pseudopandemic smoke clears, the truth emerges -- There Was NO Pandemic

1 year ago

The facade of the Covid pseudopandemic psyop is now crumbling fast as more and more data emerges as to what went on behind the smoke screen of the vicious propaganda blitz to which the human community was subect.

It is becoming clear that the goal of the psyop’s masterminds, operating through their subversives fronts infiltrated into hijacked governments and agencies was to terrorise and nullify humanity as a free-thinking, self reliant community.

It failed and the monster that spawned it – the parasitic, sociopathic echelon of deviants, crooks and perverts known loosely as “the globalists” – is dying but it is still dangerous.

As with any hideous predator in its death throes, its lashing tail can be lethal, so increased alertness and vigilance are vital – and even greater industriousness in exposing the crimes committed against our communities, friends, compatriots, neighbours, loved ones and children.

We are winning but it is vital that we do not relent in pursuing JUSTICE for those harmed and for the protection of our futures.

This featured video by Denis Rancourt provides you with insight into what many are now coming to recognise: the bogus nature of the alleged pandemic itself, a psychological warfare operation designed to end the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of millions of human beings.

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