Deep calls out to deep Part I (Ep. 7) 8/12/23

1 year ago

What is the big deal about God? Why should I want to go deeper? We will be exploring over these next 4 parts about what God desires in us, what stops us from growing into a deeper realtionship with him and why it is to our greatest benefit to dive deep with Him

The breaking component is part of our breakthrough moment. While my husband was away in Minnesota he got to hear from Donna Rigney and Emmanuel Johnson.
This season, for both of us is one of pressing in and pushing through the crowd reaching for Jesus. We are by no means perfect. Just two imperfect people needing more of God.

While he was away I was srtuggling with feelings of anger and disappointment but I was also praising the Lord while crying and sorting through these emotions. I know the Lord is above it all. He is above it and in charge of our situation with our business and our business partner.

Yes, I was experiencing these emotions but they are NOT truth. But yes, these moments and emotions are hurtful and there is some pain in this season of my breakthrough. It is uncomfortable, and it feels like I am being gutted from the inside which I believe is spirtual pruning away. I am also being convicted not condemned. He is bringing things to my attention that I need to let go of, release, and repent.

I believe this "breaking" is a call to go deeper with Him.
When I read, Psalm 42:7, "Deep Calls out to Deep." it really spoke to me. The God that we serve is a deep God. He is not shallow by any means. While at the beach with my family today I took a moment and watched in awe at all the God created from the waves, the sand, the big trees, the birds, us. He is in the details from the cellular level and beyond. He is a deep God and we are called to go deeper with Him. And as I was sharing my emotions with the Lord He is so faithful to meet me where I am.

There is a book I have been listening to on audible, Gateway to the Seer Realm by Barbie Breathitt and she says that in our darkest hour in the coming of the light there is new vision, we must keep hold of it to develop it as film also devleops in the dark and brings forth a picture. In the darkness is when the vision is being developed. Then we exit the darkness with strategy and a new plan. Jesus tell us to behold He is doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it? He does not put new wine in old wineskins. He puts new wine in new wineskins. He is doing a newthing through us. He is birthing a new thing. He is giving a new vision. Vision is planning the future with imagination and/or with wisdom. Only God can create. Creation only comes only from God. Satan cannot create he can only destroy, distort, and pervert. Where there is no vision the people will perish, We need vision. Through Jesus we have vision and hope so we dont perish and instead flourish.

This new vision given realeases hope, hope enables us to change, and change releases our destiny and destiny drives us out of the now and proels us into our future, our BREAKTHROUGH moment!!

This breaking you are feeling or maybe you are feeling as if you are in a dark place, HOLD ON. He is giving you vision, change, destiny and a future. Once we catch a glimpse of our future we can bring it into the reality of today. This is your breathrough moment. This is our breakthrough moment. This breaking moment as we go deep with the Lord allows our spirit to widen so we can have more of HIm. More of His presence in our life.
Go Deep!
My whole perspective changed when I read this bible verse and this passge from the book. Instead of feeling sad and despair I felt excited to know this pain is good and purposeful.
I just started a garden and in order for these plants to grow vertically and produce fruit they are destined to grow they have to grow deep roots.
When we surrender all of our pain and disappointments of the past we will receive God's promotion and an increase of a measure of love in our heart.
We live in a society where we dont want pain. We dont want to be uncomfortable. we want to be creatures of comfort. But this uncomfort allows us to grow further and have more of the blessings and promises God has for us because we will have more of HIM.

If we focus on the difficulties of the past instead of the promises of the future fear will stop us ffrom making the necessary changes and stop us from seeing having our future and hope. Don't look back.

I believe that people stay in the shallow end of the pool and don't go deep with God for a few reasons:
- We don't know who our God is and how much He loves us. Our lack of depth is because of our low perception of God. We buy fire insurance so we don't go to hell and we stop there and don't allow oursleves to grow and be a disciple of him and really know Him.
- We don't understand the authority we have and/or we give it away.
- We choose being comfortable over being fruitful.

Stay tuned for part 2.

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