8/12/23 The price of doing and the cost of not doing

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Let’s be honest here Pilgrims, America is in fact an Unjust and Amoral nation, with weak churches and broken homes. Looks like a job for superman . . . or better yet, real men.

But how do fathers start taking their proper roles back in the homes or is that even possible? Jerry Jacobs of Catholic Alpha joins BJ and Mr. Anderson to help in the “fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”

In hour #2 Last Call delves into that Unjust and Amoral Nation thingy starting with the question : "If Jesus were to come back today would you be one of those found persecuted for being righteous or would you be found hiding in your closet . . . from the unrighteous' '. Our prisons are filling up with the former because of the cowardness of the latter. Does that sound a little too harsh?

BJ interviews Casey Cusick, yet another J6 Patriot who went to Washington DC to redress his grievances , was subsequently arrested, tried and found guilty of being . . . righteous. How is that even possible?
Folks this madness ends when "we the people" say it ends. It’s time to do by helping to create an environment where Christian ideas, ideals and leaders can get traction in the marketplace of ideas. And yes it may make you uncomfortable but there really is no place to hide. In this 1984 Bizarro world you or a loved one are already being targeted by Big Brother.

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