Stuttgart Arkansas PD Officer Stewart Bodycam 8/10/2023 8:02:22 AM

1 year ago

On Thursday, August 10th, 2023, I, Ptl. Stewart received a call from dispatch stating to go to the area of 19th and Wood street in regards a female in the middle of the road yelling and crying. Upon my arrival visual of Mrs. Ashley Taulbee was made. Mrs. Taulbee was in the middle of the street making multiple slurs. Mrs. Taulbee was advised by me and Sgt. Jackson to stay out of the street and if she was to enter the street way and impede traffic again she will be arrested. Once leaving the scene Mrs. Taulbee enter the road way once again causing on coming traffic to swerve and honk their horn for her to move. I, Ptl. Stewart and Sgt. Jackson arrived back on scene and an arrest of Mrs. Taulbee had taken place. Mrs. Taulbee was transported back to the Stuttgart Police Department by Sgt. Jackson and then transported to the Arkansas County Detention Center by Ptl. Ratliff.

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