Chainsaw Man : Season 1 Episode 2 || Hindi Dubbed || 1080p

1 year ago

n incredible episode. We waited csm for almost two years and I’ve got to say that the wait was worth it. Incredible animation, like really really great, almost photorealistic. The soundtracks were incredibly accurate for the precise scenes. There aren’t any censored scenes, so you’ll see a lot of blood (chainsaw man is a dark manga, it has lots of blood spilling and characters die is really gruesome ways. Even though it was the first episode, it shows how Denji lived. He lived in a dusty and small shack. It shows how some people actually live, where they have to pay enormous debts and get constantly abused and mistreated by criminals. The opening was also really good, it has a lot of film references, like pulp fiction or Texas chainsaw massacre. As I said, I think that this is one of the best first episodes is all of the animes.

Chainsaw is one of my all time favorite mangas and seeing it get a anime made me feel free. The way they composed the episode like a movie is nothing ever done before in anime history. It was daring and it payed off. I’ve seen some complaints about the cgi and I would agree that in some scenes it did look off. Especially the scenes when he stands still in devil form. Other than that the cgi is the best anime cgi I have ever seen, it made the character feel real and life like. I also love the dark atmosphere the episode brought out and THE GORE there’s not many anime where you can see gore in such high quality and detail. I can’t wait for more chainsaw and I’m hoping it succeeds in the future.

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