😘 The 💎sapphire is ☝️a 📖variety of the 🪙mineral 🤔corundum, with 🧐characteristic ⚪️color 🔵blue.👍

1 year ago

😘 The 💎#sapphire is ☝️a 📖#variety of the 🪙#mineral 🤔#corundum, with 🧐#characteristic ⚪️#color 🔵#blue,[1] although there are ☝️other 🔘colors 🤔less 🤭common, 🤔due to 🤢impurities of ☝️certain 🦠oxides 🧪(Cr(III) and ⚗Ti(III)). It is commonly found in 🏺deposits 🌡rich in 🧪rutile, 🧪bauxite and 💎#hematite.
8️⃣#CreativeSociety 💓#PETA.
The chemical composition is a mixture of aluminum, iron and titanium oxides, which gives it its characteristic blue color. Its chemical formula is Al2O3. It corresponds to hardness 9 on the Mohs scale.
The word sapphire comes from the Latin sapphirùs, which in turn comes from the Greek σάπφειρος (sappheiros), and in turn comes from the Hebrew Sapir (ספיר), which means neat. It belongs to the same family of minerals as ruby, i.e. corundum, the only difference being a naming convention and its color. Corundum with red tones is called ruby and all other colors are called sapphire, even the colorless ones, also called leucosapphires.
Sapphires are found in their natural state in a wide range of colors, from transparent, through different colors and shades of blue, pink, green, violet, brown, orange, yellow, black, and their combinations. The largest producers are in Africa and deposits have currently been found in South America. They are also associated with rubies in Thailand and Sri Lanka, and are found in Kashmir (India), and over a large area in Central Queensland, (Australia). Antarctica is rich in this mineral but, due to its delicate ecological balance, exploitation has been limited. Its use is restricted to jewelry and laser applications.


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