Real Time: September 11 2001 | WOR Radio 710 AM (8:50am - 10:51am EDT)

1 year ago

Audio: WOR from 8:50 am to 10:51 am (EDT) (At 100.7% Speed so the 9am & 10am hourly beep lines up)
(Originally from and )
Before/after contains audio from ATC/Rutgers University/FDNY Audio

Recorded on the 11th June 2023, with the following changes from last video:
- Added text for all remaining US States & Canadian Provinces
- Increased the size of cities and altered their text colours
- Added 80 of the most populous cities in the United States in 2000 and the 5 most populous cities (and Capitals) for
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia
- Added the 10 most populous cities in Canada in 2001 and the 5 most populous cities in Ontario and Quebec.
- Added WOR specific label text, events and audio sources.
- Colour Transmission Towers and Audio Icons Yellow when they are reporting the unfolding events.
- Attempted to improve performance when not paused (not very successful)

0:00:00 - No Audio (ATC/Rutgers)
0:00:17 - 8:50 am: Breaking News WTC Explosion
0:03:25 - 8:53 am: Advertisement Break
0:04:02 - 8:54 am: Plane Crash Into World Trade Center
0:06:26 - 8:56 am: Jim from Lehman Brothers
0:09:56 - 8:59 am: Plane Crash Into World Trade Center
0:13:04 - 9:03 am: UA175 Crashes Into World Trade Center
0:31:30 - 9:21 am: Wife of Jim from Lehman Brothers
0:33:10 - 9:23 am: Reporter Mara Rubin
0:34:56 - 9:24 am: Planes Crash Into World Trade Center
0:39:48 - 9:29 am: President George W. Bush
0:41:04 - 9:31 am: Planes Crash Into World Trade Center
0:42:04 - 9:32 am: Reporter Mara Rubin
0:43:04 - 9:33 am: Planes Crash Into World Trade Center
0:53:04 - 9:43 am: Fire at the Pentagon
0:55:02 - 9:45 am: Planes Crash Into WTC & Pentagon
1:00:42 - 9:50 am: Reporter Mara Rubin
1:02:38 - 9:52 am: Planes Crash Into WTC & Pentagon
1:09:20 - 9:59 am: World Trade Center South Tower (WTC 2) Collapses
1:26:24 - 10:16 am: Reporter Shelly Strickler
1:27:18 - 10:17 am: Planes Crash Into WTC & Pentagon
1:38:34 - 10:28 am: World Trade Center North Tower (WTC 1) Collapses
1:38:58 - 10:28 am: Reporter Mara Rubin
1:41:34 - 10:31 am: World Trade Center North Tower (WTC 1) Collapses
1:50:54 - 10:40 am: Plane Crash in Western Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh
2:01:12 - 10:51 am: FDNY Tape 2A

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