Stunning Lunar Portrait: 2020 Phases, Libration, and Orbits Revealed

1 year ago

🚀 Highlights of the Video 🚀

🌒 Phases Unveiled: Witness the Moon's transformation from crescent to full and back again, revealing the intricate play of light and shadow on its surface.

🔄 Libration Revealed: Experience the subtle wobble and rocking motion of the Moon as it allows us to peer around its edges, exposing hidden features and craters.

🛰️ Orbital Odyssey: Immerse yourself in the Moon's journey around Earth, observing its elliptical path, the subsolar and sub-Earth points, and its true-scale distance from our planet.

🔭 Up Close and Personal: Explore the lunar landscape up close, with craters near the terminator expertly labeled, iconic Apollo landing sites highlighted, and maria and albedo features illuminated by sunlight.

🌠 Cosmic Almanac: This video isn't just an exploration of the Moon's natural beauty – it's a comprehensive lunar almanac for the year 2020, presented in stunning visual detail.

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