Shells Of Ghosts - People Love Machines - Ghost In The Shell - AMV - Kid Hideous Abstract Parasite

1 year ago

Shells Of Ghosts - People Love Machines - Ghost In The Shell - AMV - By Kid Hideous aka Abstract Parasite



Music by : People Love Machines

Anime Music Video (AMV) / (MAD) (Music Anime Douga) By 'Kid Hideous' aka 'Abstract Parasite'
Check out his music here

Footage / Content : Ghost in the Shell (1995 film)



When I first began to pursue my dream of being an I.D.M.
Breakcore Rapper was extremely problematic, cumbersome,
and to be honest, downright completely ridiculous.
It all began when I started downloading Electromecha tracks
from Soulseek and started Rapping / Freestyling over
the tracks and the posting the raps, freestyles on the
Planet Mu Forum. When I started doing this, I swear everyone on the forum
was so excited it was crazy. It was like all the
People there finally had a reason to live. People
were in the process of finding Electromecha, so we
could collaborate. Then suddenly everyone started
acting the polar opposite way they were originally acting.

I realized that instead of trying to interact and converse with people,
on I.D.M., Breakcore, Techno, Jungle forums, it would be much smarter if
I simply put all my raps online.

And then construct a form letter to offer to collaborate
with producers and then send mass e-mails to MySpace
Music accounts under the I.D.M. Breakcore category.

Doing this was much more efficient and I sort of
starting making links compilation of some of
the people I was contacting here

Of all the people I met while doing this
Kid Hideous stuck out quite a bit in a good
way. I think the reason he stuck out was because
he was either finished or in the middle of
a a post-secondary education. Whereas most if
not all of the other producers I was contacting
kind of, sort of had a life and lifestyle
where they just sat in front of a computer on welfare
and got high all day and went to Happy Hardcore Raves.
Which I think is kind of awesome, but let's try and stay on
track here. Kid Hideous had his own website
'Coolest Radio' where most of the other
People I met just had a MySpace music account.
He also had sophisticated mixes that were kind of
hard to categorize. I think, by default, they would be
considered I.D.M. Breakcore but it was so
unique. The best way I can describe most of
his mixes were someone who went to Raves and
thought they kind of sucked, so they went home.
and fired up some music software and had a
Rave inside their heads.

I also met a friend of Kid Hideous whose artist's name was 'People Love Machines'.
who sent me this track 'Shells Of Ghosts'. I believe this guy
did a small music night also called 'People Love Machines' and I was
interested in it because it seemed kind of to be on par and similar
to my night 'Altered Beats'. Which was a very very rare occurrence.
Most other nights did not have such apparent similarities.
Comparing 'Altered Beats' to 'BangFace' is admittedly laughable.
because of the sheer size and success of BangFace. Baseck's
Darkmatter Soundsystem, I think, leaned way too much towards a much
darker Harsh Noise scene. There was a crew in LA.
called Mash Up Soundsystem, but anyway. I liked Shells
of Ghosts so much it spawned a section of my website.

and of course, here is an epic AMV by Kid Hideous.


Ghost in the Shell (1995) by PROTEUS

As the absolute undisputed lord of the underground
I feel it is my responsibility to try and explain
Ghost In the Shell 1995 as simple as I possibly can
to the global Rave and Goth community.
OK listen to all you Ravers and Goths out there
who watched the 1995 anime Ghost In The Shell
like 4 times and still don't understand what's going on
Let me break it down for you as simply and quickly
as I can. Ok Motoko Kusanagi is a full-body cyborg who
Basically has a human brain that was once in a real human.
......basically. It might be an exact copy of a human brain
but anyway. Because of this, she is in a state of identity
crisis trying to understand if she is a machine or a human
and if she really has a Ghost aka a Soul. She is presued
and contacted by 'The Puppet Master', who let's just call
an A.I. even though its not artificial intelligence for
For the sake of moving on with my explanation, let's just
call the Puppet Master an A.I. The Puppet Master is
a digital lifeform that was "born" out of the sea of
digital information. You know how millions or billions
of years ago life began in the depths of the sea and then
eventually crawled out of the sea and turned into monkeys
and then us? That's apparently what the Puppet Master is.
The Puppet Master wants to "merge" with Motoko Kusanagi
to become a single consciousness or entity. The fact that
Motoko Kusanagi has a human brain. It means that if they merge
The new single entity will sort of have the best of both worlds.
Long story short, man and machine will become one. And the
entity that is both Motoko Kusanagi and the Puppet Master
will achieve a new higher level of consciousness. In the
movie right when the Puppet Master and Motoko merge
You see an 'Angel' floating. The angel symbolizes
This new higher level of consciousness they have

I think if you are a Raver or a Goth
That's really all you need to know about the
1995 Anime Ghost In The Shell to enjoy it better.
There is much much MUCH more going on in the
movie philosophically, but this review, rant, explanation
is strictly directed to the party crowd of the world.
If you are reading this and you are a raver or goth
and you want to go out on a limb and try and truly
understand Mamoru Oshii's masterpiece 'Ghost In The Shell'
or if I actually have some fans who did not fuck up their lives
with LSD, then I can try and explain it at a higher level
quickly and simply and you can look more into
This if you want. Getting much more complicated 'Ghost In the
Shell' deals with a very famous philosophy by the French
Philosopher 'René Descartes's

" I think, therefore I am."

Critiqued by German philosopher 'Friedrich Nietzsche'.
I am going to just leave it at that. If I start to
get into this stuff, we will be here all fucking day.
Anyways, every cool Raver and Goth on the planet has
watched the 1995 anime 'Ghost In The Shell' but I
I am hoping this extremely simple and brief explanation
of mine will make it much much more enjoyable for
you when you watch it again and probably over and
over again for the rest of your life.


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