3D Printed Controller Stand Design for Nintendo Gamecube Wavebird

1 year ago

One of the things I love about 3D printing is the ability to solve storage solutions with my ingenuity. Sometimes, however, I am thankful that the community is as fantastic as it is. I recently discovered a file for a display stand for the Nintendo Gamecube's Wavebird controller I knew I needed to mess with. That's right, it was time for me to 3D print a new controller stand design for the Nintendo Gamecube Wavebird controller.

I found the creator, ZDeanzo, through Patreon and immediately supported his work. Doing so gave me permission to remix and sell the design if I wanted to. See, I am sure I could have done that on the sly without supporting the creator, but that's just super scuzzy and slimy to me. I know how I would feel if someone did that with one of my designs, which is why I avoid it.

Looking at the files, one of the things I wanted to change from the original design was the logo and text placement. He had them inset in the file, something which makes total sense if you're using a single-color printer. Now that I have my Bambu Labs P1P and P1S, however, multi-color prints are a breeze. I created extruded versions of both the Gamecube name and Logo, imported all the files into Tinkercad, and here you see the results!

For the body, I used Kingroon Purple PLA filament for the body, along with Kingroon Grey and Black for the logo and name. The cool thing is I can print the body in whatever color I want to match the Gamecube color! For silver or grey systems, I'd just change the logo to a different color, and for black systems, I'd change the Gamecube name to white.

What do you think of this design? As a Patreon supporter of XDeanzo I'm allowed to sell these, would you be interested in one? Let me know in the comments as I am considering adding these to our site.

#Nintendo #3dprinting #Gamecube #Wavebird #P1P #P1S #Maker #fypã‚· #FYP

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