RACIST Teacher Taught Lesson | School Prayer Group CANCELLED

1 year ago

Bigoted Teacher Taught Lesson | School Prayer Group CANCELLED

An openly black supremist 1st grade bigoted teacher in Texas was recently fired, and taught a lesson. She routinely made terrible anti-white, racist, remarks on social media. Some people discovered that she actually a 1st grade teacher in a public school in Texas. After being discovered, she laughed at the people who wanted her removed from her position, and openly mocked them. The bigoted teacher will hopefully never be over a classroom of students again, as we have not place for hate in our public schools. We are very thankful that this bigoted teacher was taught this lesson and FIRED.

Also, a Christian prayer event at a school in Texas has been cancelled because of complaints from a group of Theist in Wisconsin. This group is against ANY prayer in any PUBLIC setting, because they claim that it excludes Theist. We analyze this very sad situation, where the Superintendent of this school system folded, like a coward. The constitution, nor the Bill of Rights DOES NOT say that you CANNOT pray in school, and I show you in this video.

bigoted teacher, anti-white teacher, teacher fired, texas teacher fired for racism, racist teacher, racist teacher fired, racist teacher fired in texas, prayer in schools, christian groups in school, prayer in schools cancelled, prayer in school attacked, prayer in schools destroyed

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