'Max Speirs Lost His life To Get This Out. Pizzagate Victim, Supersoldier, Montauk' Part 1 - 2017

1 year ago

Published on Jan 23, 2017

"This video is one of the few interviews Max chose to do before he died. He was stirring up hate due to his release of confidential and secretive information. You decide yourself if he was telling truth or lies. Please leave a comment, Like Share and Subscribe. We dont want Max's' life to be for nothing. Let him rest in peace until his next mission and recognize and honor him as a hero. He really enlightened my understandings of very confusing topics. Our love guides you in the afterlife, and pulls you out of darkness. Let him use his heart as his new vessel. Max was in the military, he was also Involved in projects like MK Ultra."

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