😲 WHAT did he just say about the Cypress District! Are they BROKE yet? 💸

1 year ago

VIDEO ALERT: The Cypress District Meeting on Aug 8, 2023 - Audit Report

"...depending on how bad the repairs and stuff are and how much legal you have, you know, and ALL THE LAWSUITS and things like that..." -- Travis Moorehart

Listen carefully to what Travis Moorehart says. The DEBT SERVICE on the $3Million Bond / Loan (we have previously reported on) is about $350,000 / year and runs through 2027. The 1.54 Millage (65/81 precincts in Bossier Parish) is up in 2024.

Transcript PDF Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6r936trk2zgogh7vvklzg/2023-08-08-CypressDistrict-TravisMoorehart-DESCRIPT.pdf?rlkey=3vm3rvms22h923u9zl92n7upo&dl=0

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