Brad Miller Interviews Dian Shepperson Mills and Zakia Mance "Having the Foresight to Plan for Fertility up to the First Year of Life"

1 year ago

Brad had a discussion with Dian Shepperson Mills Cert Ed BSc BA Dip ION MA Health Education, and Zakia Mance, Hypnobirthing and Naturopathy Expert and Mother. Dian and Zakia are the instructors of the upcoming course entitled "Having the Foresight to Plan for Fertility up to the First Year of Life: Healthy Parents to Healthy Children." In this interview, Dian and Zakia each detailed their respective backgrounds and how they met one another. They also explained their individual experiences with natural approaches to health and their understanding of how that positively affects fertility. They also shared their desire to assist young families in taking advantage of much of the information about health, nutrition, and fertility that has been well known in more traditional periods or cultures. Their course reflects this desire to help young families to proactively take charge of their health to ensure that their children have the optimal health foundations upon birth and infancy to increase their likelihood of lifetime health and longevity.

Their course can be found here:

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