Feat. BIG JOHN & The Troglodytes’ Constitution w/The Thick & Thin

1 year ago

Feat. BIG JOHN & The Troglodytes’ Constitution w/The Thick & Thin

Clint Walker as “Big John”

About the video.

Actually the song was sung by Jimmy Dean. A crooner in the 1950s with two or three big hits; “Big John” being one of them. You may have eaten some of his products; Jimmy Dean Sausages.

[A special appeal near the end of this presentation]
If you’re focused on self you cannot focus on the needs of others.

That’s why pain is so destructive.

Pain has a tendency, to first, focus on the area where the pain is emanating from, ie; sprained ankle or in the place of a burning sensation. Being cognizant of your thought life you will find yourself focusing on your pain rather than the needs of others.

I learned this by experience; I have been in pain on the scale of 1-10, of #5 - #8. Moderate to Severe nerve pain for over 20 years. There came a day I had to face MY pain.

Control Your Thought Life

Proverbs 23:7a
Amplified Bible
7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he [in behavior—one who manipulates].

We create our realities

This is why when you get old with an abundance of life experience, but you are forced to focus your attention on yourself lest you impart wisdom of the ages; to the ages.
A Slice Of Life
Creating Our Own Realities
I bought a car for $35.00 in 1966.

It had some serious bon-do (fiberglass buildup) over both of the headlights. A troubled spot for 1956 to 1959 model Dodge, Plymouth, and Chrysler Imperial line of cars.

1957 Plymouth Belvedere picture
Now isn’t that a great looking car? Mine didn’t look anything like this pristine masterpiece.

The car I was contemplating purchasing was sprayed flat black. But I saw a killer car. Plus it had great pipes or as the case maybe the muffler hung by a few strands of bailing wire.

Most anything can be repaired on a car with duct tape, bailing wire, a pair pliers, a hammer, and a screwdriver. (Not any longer.)

I purchased the car with my own money. I had earned $348 that Summer working for $0.70 cents an hour working on dairy farm. Who also farmed 1,000 acres. Working on average 68 hours per week. Plowing, discing, planting wheat, sorghum, cutting and bailing of alfalfa, and of course bucking the baled alfalfa up into the barn. Storing it all up for next Winter.

I was all of 15 years old in 1966.

Oh, yeah I had a farm license. I could drive any farm related vehicle on our nation’s highways. And this car looked like a “piece of farm” equipment; eh?

At 105 miles per hour the body lifted up and off of frame. Didn’t want to go that fast again, because I had three bald tires too.

That’s when America was still America.
If you had money and you were stupid enough to offer up your cash, you got just what you paid for, hopefully.
Still having more fun than I’m being paid 4.
Why Adrenochrome
The Draco Aliens need to keep their hueman shape.
They are not supposed to be here, that’s why they eat children and drink their blood to keep a human form in this dimension.
Cain’s seed does as hisFather and god, SATAN.

Cursed was Cain, he will need to eat human flesh and drink human blood as their drug of choice.

Huemans are naturally giving.

Huemans throughout the galaxy are creators. God made man a little lower than the angels. Angels live in the seventh dimension.

Man was made to live in Eden, our fifth dimension. When Lucifer the Light Giver fell, he fell to fourth dimension of darkness.

Luke 10:18

When Lucifer, that old reptile fell, he fell, to cause man to fall into the third dimension, a physical plane where pain, shame, guilt and death occur.

Lucifer and the one-third of the demons that fell with him, devour the human emotions of death and agony. That’s why they hangout around battle fields. Sucking up the Loosh.

Cain’s children drink the blood and eat the flesh of children, for spiritual refreshment, from those children who have experienced terror, physical and spiritual agony.

Frazzle Drip

Cain and Lucifer, a well rounded team of terror.

Cut off from The Source, they both must find spiritual life in a symbiotic relationship.

For the satanic initiate he or she gains power and false light [magic]. A light that makes them appear larger and more popular than they really are.

Who is the Antichrist, none other than the reincarnated Cain. Reborn, on the constant wheel of Eve’s curse to grow more successful spiritually.
For Cain, he will never leave the world he has mimicked, a world where Cain can only recreate, rein-act, and replicate.

Cain’s Tribe cannot invent anything new.
Give them a blank sheet of paper then leave an hour later it is still blank. Blank as their ability to create any thing new.

The United States CIA is the single biggest theorists threat, thieves, trafficking in in Huemans, weapons and drugs.

No wonder the Arab world sees the west as the Great Satan. The Arabs are under another dilution, another type of spell called the law of bondage.

The “West” and every nation we touch, comes under the bondage of slavery. Slavery to pedophilia and Cain’s curse.

Quran 7:27-29
27 O children of Adam! Do not let Satan deceive you as he tempted your parents out of Paradise and caused their cover to be removed in order to expose their nakedness. Surely he and his soldiers watch you from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils allies of those who disbelieve.

28 Whenever they commit a shameful deed, they say, “We found our forefathers doing it and Allah has commanded us to do it.” Say, “No! Allah never commands what is shameful. How can you attribute to Allah what you do not know?”

29 Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “My Lord has commanded uprightness and dedication ˹to Him alone˺ in worship, calling upon Him with sincere devotion. Just as He first brought you into being, you will be brought to life again.”

The Troglodyte’s Constitution
To: The *Diehold Foundation

Mr. Douglas Vogt,

You and *Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers are the inspiration for this short story below.
Of course with a few rewrites since I sent it to you last.
Since one month ago, I have been permanently banned from YouTube for a serious and repeated Hate speech.

I think I was finally banned because I wrote an open letter praising President Donald Trump, in December 2020.

Thanks for bringing up the DUMBs again. I am thankful for your diligence to seek and find the truth.
Appreciate y’all
No response is necessary.

A follow up to this letter. *Ben Davidson did give me a professional nod. He merely said one word; “Troglodytes.”
I understood what he meant.
The Troglodytes’ Constitution
A futuristic post-apocalyptic short story
In any Universe, I am known as iPrime iSO_E

I wanted to it make it clear; how I became the iPrime and how I understood the journey forward in memory of iHueman Sol.

I think I will begin at the end of his life, rather than in the Early Life of our Tribe, iHueman Sol.
An Od To iHueman Sol
iHueman Sol began his nightly repetition to his tribe.
Tonight bringing a new recital to learn and to memorize by rote.

“We are of the Huemanity who have lived through the pole reversal, the day the Earth stood still, the oceans of the deep opening.

“The mantle of earth splitting and heaving, all caused by a nova of iour old father and Star - Sol. Now the Huemans are in a cyclical ice age.

“We are of the Huemanity who owe iour survival and allegiance to iour Creator, to iour family and then to iour tribe.

“We are the Huemanity who are thrice removed underground, while Winter is, but Summer is coming.

“iOur Creator gave us sufficient advance notice and knowledge to build a Diehold. Praise be to iour Creator; thank you to my Creator.

“We will work in concert with iour Creator to refill iour Earth with flora and fauna.

“We are of the Huemans who are the crown of iour Creator’s creation.

“We are of the Huemanity who hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Huemans are created equal, that they are endowed by iour Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happinesses.

“We are the Huemanity who live without fear, no matter how dire the situation may appear.

“We are the Huemanity of the Creator. We hold the light of the nations.

“We are the Huemans who have kept iour Dvice through the Great Occurrence. It is iour right to hold this Dvice, it belongs to iour tribe.

“It is with this Dvice we hold the right to rule by this power. We are the Creator’s by thought creation.

“We too, are the thought creators. If we can imagine it, then it is possible, we keep a close guard on iour thoughts.

“We are the fearless, we run toward the danger, ready to fight and or to serve as needed.

“Huemans are not designed for fear; we are made for a free expression of worship of love for iour Creator and we are created for a free expression of love, of a quiet service and devotion for iour fellow Hueman.

“We are the Huemanity, who some of iour brethren escaped the impending doom, by escaping the Earth to the beyond.

“Sav stepped into the Diehold, they took to the sky. We expect Sav-iour brethren to return one day.

“Before the Great Occurrence, a man of science, Bendavid Son made this epic proclamation, “Eyes open, no fear, be safe everyone.

“It inspires Huemans to look up from where we receive help, even from iour Creator.

“Look to iour steadfastness to create truth.
Creator, please accept iour sacrifice of transparency and of iour steadfastness to the purpose of life; truth creation!”
iHueman Sol ended his nightly soliloquy.
These were the last words of iHueman Sol.
iSO E spoke into the Dvice.
“This is his record; I have spoken his last message into the Dvice to the Sav-iour.
I know Sav-iour, you are listening?”
This is my first message on the Dvice to the Sav-iour brothers, this day, time is 213.0 A 2346.03:A

Ok, l have created true intentions.📻
The Dvice crackled and lighted, a voice unfamiliar to iSO E began to speak.

“Message received iSO E. I am glad for your ascent to the iPrime. Be not afraid, love one another, create truth until Sav returns.”
I was elated, surprised and energized that the stories I had heard from my youth, the oath I heard at my father’s knee were true.
Augment to the record into the Dvice. -
“About iHueman Sol In His Time.
iHueman Sol was the last and the oldest survivors of the world before the “Great Occurrence.

“iHueman Sol, is now estimated to be 345 years of age, born approximately in the year 2001. iHueman Sol passed from this life on 2346.03:A

“iHueman Sol was approximately 45 years of age in the “Great Occurrence” which happened in 2046.

“We are thankful for his knowledge, for the power he has retained and has now imparted to iour new legacy; the iHueman Sol - Constitution.

“iHueman Sol considered the X Steganography to be the most powerful letter of iour alphabet.”
I have transmitted the message into the Dvice to the Saviour on 2346.04:B.
Returning to his thoughts about his anthology of the Leader of his Tribe.

That’s where I want to begin in the transcription of the “Ode To iHueman Sol.”

As he was, at the end of life. Giving of his last life blood of devotion.
So was he for the entirety of his shortened life.

I could have started transcribing in the beginning of his life, so many stories are already known of his life. How he was so many faces to so many people. A chiseled face like a diamond. Showing one side of his personality to one, to another a facet to another as he takes charge.

I wanted to transcribe to tell you about how he was apodcaster known as UnPerPlexex and worked six days aweek. How he was awarrior, then apoet, then agrandspeaker, finally atranscribrr.
How he and his brother Sav built the Dvice in their Father’s garage.

I want to transcribe the lesser known stories in which I would have been privy to, at my Father’s knee.

I am so happy to know the Saviour is listening.
iSO E 2944.05:H
*Ben Davidson
Suspicious Observers
“Disaster series”
*Douglas Vogt
Diehold Foundation
Deep Underground Bases and Underground Highways
Underground World
Why Are The Super Rich Building Underground Bunkers
Linda Parish
Underground cities
Antarctica Hybrid Soldiers Alien Bases

Underground World
Julian Assange
I Need You To Bring Me Home
Ackroyd Videos
A NEWS Reader Board For A Newer Generation
A Perfect Circle - The Outsider

“Why does the MSM believe tHey have him at every turn?

Because, if tHey would have committed this crime; if they were similar circumstances. tHey would know tHeir goose is cooked.

Why, because tHey are Quitters! Losers!

Not so, President Trump. He’s never a quitter and never a loser.
“Even when I hear disparaging word about someone who differs in opinion from me. I do not want to believe it without evidence. And even less-so of a companion of mine. Like Phil Godlewdki.

The modern day MSM is the equivalent of the Praetorian Guard who took Jesus away to torture, beat and mock the Son Of God.”
How can you tell who is a globalist.
Ewe and Eye are being marked for DEATH

I used to be liberal 🤮🤢🤮

The Great Pyramid of Giza emits the frequency of 432hz...
... Other pyramids have different frequencies. And they set on lay lines. If they started to resonate, it would also activate our chakras...our crystalline body would be activated...
Joe Rosati ~LIFTING VEILS in 432Hz (Official Music Video) A song for healing & enlightening humanity
This amazing song from our friend Joe Rosati was featured in The Movie "Cages".
Well, now it has a great video to go with it.

Previously posted
13 families
Antarctica and the Realms Beyond
The Alliance has been fighting an ongoing battle in Earth’s caves, caverns and connecting tunnels for seven years.

Is anyone helping the Alliance in these battles?

Who is assisting the Alliance in the DUMBS. Who would have maps of some of the oldest caverns and how they are connected.

Yes, yes, the 140 nations who have signed on to BRICS, but who else?

Who would have a vested interest in the cleaning out of the DUMBS of the vermin murdering vampires.

Sasquatch, Yeti, Big Foot, Giants?

Giants Are Real


And in, my tongue in cheek rendition of the classic film.
There were rumors the owner of “Christian Trucking” had made the video to increase his visibility while working on the new I-5 Freeway from Vancouver BC to San Diego CA. in the late 1950s through the 1970s

Each of these hominids have a heritage in the Earth but they have taken a very small hand in the liberation of the planet.

Who are the Agarthans?
By David Wilcock
August 9, 2023
Individual governments have zero control and are in the process of renegotiating for sovereignty.

In other words the governments and/or government Inc are currently not recognized as Sovereign and need to register with the Archivists and Hall of Records via Ground Command and/or revised Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) structure/s.

Also, all countries are currently declared bankrupt and the IME, UN, World Bank, WEF, etc. are also defunct corporations without any sovereignty.

These will be replaced by a revised GIA and entity known as CARE.

The IRS is being restructured and may be replaced completely. Janet Yellen has been fired (not public yet) and the US Federal Reserve + Treasury had been on notice till 30 June 2023 that if they could not pay the Global Repository back the quadrillions owed, it would be handing over ALL its assets including property, commercial property, land, business assets, etc.

We are about to see the real truth and the real news unfold before our eyes. Brace yourselves for short term volatility, medium term change and long term prosperity.

They Lied About Everything

Everything is a lie

If you have enjoyed the information provided in this presentation.
Encourage your frens and fam to follow this channel too.
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Howz-bout a 👍 too!

I would also like to invite you to subscribe to my Telegram channel.
You have been on the Telegram channel for most of and hour; back and forth.

You may as well signup to see all of the content that is presented on the Telegram channel.

Someone once categorized the information coming off of the Telegram feed; it is like trying to get a drink from a FIRE HOSE.

Tuaoi Stone A Mystic
Live Link
Subscribe Today !
https://t.me/iso_e Tuaoi Stone
Best Anime
Real 3-Year-Old with a Real Portal Gun

••The Thick & Thin Of It All••
Sensing thick and thin in one breath.

Holding a dichotomy in thought in one moment in time, then alternating energy; thin then thick then thin and so on.

Generally Applied
Sensing the inner thought-life of our world, our 3rd Dimensional world and then simultaneously sensing the spiritual world, our home the 5th Dimension.

The thick and thin is held in continuous oscillation.
Holding two opposing viewpoints at one time, without admixture. ♾

Imagine tasting sweet and sour sauce. One moment tasting sweet and then the next moment tasting sour. Oscillating betwixt and between sweet-sour-sweet-sour and so on.

Think of it this way, the way of the World and the way of Heaven a perfect dichotomy.

Equally Applied
Applying, what are the demands to sustain the body and yet to dwell in a circumspect life to the demands of heaven? In equal balance.

Asked a different way.
About the Way.
How do you, as an intuitive comprehend the The0ry of Multiple Dimensions?

Why one failed timeline user can’t see beyond 2045; because in 2046 there is a cataclysmic, al Worldwide event, date.

An event our modern day NOAA is so willfully ignorant. Or are tHey using the information to build their own bunkers.

Even so, Follow the upward draft
All that is required of you is to be kind, helpful & do what you can — everything else will fall into place.
Your heart space & intention will form your physical experience.
In the New Humanitarian Age
~author unknown
The Digital Soldier Press on Rumble
“We, who are lucky enough to be alive to witness this transition.

“We have an obligation to secure the future for our children, grand children, great grand children and generations to come.

“But to make this happen, YOU have to get involved.
You can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines.
YOU have to get involved at the local, county, state and new Republic levels of government that will be established.

“We are going back to the 1865 US Constitution for the united states Republic.
Donald J. Trump is its 19th President. JFK Jr. is our new Vice President.

“The New Seat of Government is to be located in Texas. Other parts of it will be located in Texas and Nevada.

“This is the Humanitarian Age of America.

“We will lead the world again showing them how to care and love one another. Poverty will be Eliminated under NESARA and GESARA.

“Everyone will be on an equal financial footing.

“We have a great opportunity to create a new civilization the way Yahweh GOD intended it to be to begin with.

“It is up to us to make this happen.

“It is on our shoulders to shoulder the burden of Transformation of mankind.”
The Digital Soldier Press on Rumble
Watch The Water
Before a birth
Water breaks
Analogy of a new birth
Water breaks
As though
Water has broken through
New Life Is Imminent
The Staple Singers YouTuber
Wade In The Water
The Wondrous Works Of God
Ozzy Osborn
Perry Mason
Religion For Breakfast
The Origin of the Rapture
I agree!
NOW NOW now now

I’m not one who scares people, because I totally despise FEAR.

I’ll not one to beg people, because I’m not a beggar.

I am a sovereign Hueman, an EarthMan, spiritually saved by Jesus the Christ, therefore I am imploring you to subscribe to my Telegram channel to be able to get the NEWS North East West South more than once per week.
The information/arrest wars are on.
Subscribe Today !
https://t.me/iso_e Tuaoi Stone

Below is just a drop in the bucket of what is posted on Telegram.

Coolio “Gangster Paradise”
Most World Leaders R Gangstaz

The words of Klaus Schwab, see typed page below. These are the words of maniacal psychopath, bent on world domination after, he murders 7 Billion people.

He then plans to imprison the remaining 500,000,000 in 15 Minute Cities. Where tHey will harvest your children for sex, sport, and SRA murders for their drug of choice ADRENOCHROME.

That is if you are unfortunate to find yourself in their vision of 7734 hELL.

By Klaus Schwab from his book.

“Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to underpopulated cities to fill "quotas."

“At least 4 billion "useless eaters shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation.

“Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.

“The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.

“From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300.”

Rockefeller Speech 1991

No longer sheep but lions
Pictures and Read

Full circle rainbow


William Cooper
The Origin Of Symbolism | Bill Cooper
Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.

Anthony DeStefano: Man Dies 9 Times and Lives To Tell About - A Message From the Other Side

The United States military gets ready to deploy seven naval fleets between 180 to 350 Warships battleships, aircraft carriers, cruiser ships and Nuclear subs across the world in 22 times zones .

The biggest Terrorist of all time

Trumps Executive Orders

Conspiracy theory rock” aired on SNL back in 1998.
It was never aired again, being cut from all future re-runs. 🤨
Saturday Night Live

We already live in a dystopia

Aliens Fake Attack In Peru

Subscribe Today !
https://t.me/iso_e Tuaoi Stone

Time is up for you to stay the dark.
Now is the time for you to go into the light !!
I post at least 250 News & Views articles every day. So you will need to learn discernment of what you want to watch or to read.

Hang on ! We’re mm my almost there!

Ralph Stanley
Almost Home

Now Now Now Now

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