Rahan. Episode Thirty. To save Alona. by Roger Lecureux. A Puke (TM) Comic.

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The son of the fierce ages.

Text by Roger Lecureux.
Art by Andre Cheret.

Episode Thirty.

To save Alona.

Rahan is not strong enough to face a "two-nose"!

The son of Crao knew the sounds of the jungle too well not to know that this pounding of the ground, which he perceived, was that of a charging rhinoceros.

In those fierce times, the great woolly rhinoceros was one of the most fearsome monsters.
Rahan was taking refuge on a big tree when.

A demanding howl rang out!
A woman! Rahan cannot abandon a woman to the anger of the "Two Noses"!

Page Two:

Leaping from branch to branch, he very quickly dominated the immense clearing.
The rhinoceros was charging a hunter.
As for the woman, she was lying in the tall grass.

Although robust and firmly planted, the man was thrown to the ground by the brutal shock.

The "Two-nose" lumbered on its course and turned around, searching for its victims with its cruel little eyes.

Letting go of the vine, the son of Crao fell back on the hairy monster's spine!
The ivory knife struck!

Page Three:

But the blade slid on the thick fleece, and only further excited the Rhinoceros, who rushed forward, towards the stunned hunter.

Grabbing the horns, Rahan attempted to deflect the monster's charge.
He succeeded, but was himself thrown close to the man.

You have not killed Rahan yet, "Two-Nose”!
The son of Crao had seized the hunter's long and strong spear.

He leapt onto a stump, once again challenging the rhinoceros.
What are you waiting for to attack, "Two-nose"?!
Are you scared of Rahan?

When the monster charged, Rahan had already wedged the spear between the roots.
He held it, ready to dive to the side.
You will die "Two-nose"!

Page Four:

Blocked by the stump, the spear did not break, and its point, hardened in the fire, disappeared into the woolly chest.

The hunter, coming to his senses, saw the monster lying on its side.
You saved Arok and Alona! Who are you?
I am Rahan, son of Crao!

Rahan fears the "Two-nose"!
But when he heard the cry of your companion he was ashamed to flee!

Rahan should have let the "Two Nose" kill us!
As the woman clumsily got to her feet, Rahan noticed.

That her ankles were tied with a vine!
Arok fears that Alona will escape him!
That's why he treats her like a captive!! Deliver me, Rahan!!

Page Five:

Rahan certainly saved our lives.
But that does not allow him to meddle in the affairs of our clan!

The robust hunter had unceremoniously thrown the young woman over his shoulder.
Deliver Me, Rahan! Save Me!

I do not want to become Arok's wife!!
I do not like him! I do not like him!
The son of Crao, taken aback, did not intervene.

He saw the strange couple disappear in the thickets.
Maybe Rahan is wrong to want to interfere in everything!?
And yet, if Alona does not like Arok, nothing can force her to become his companion!!
Crao-the-wise always said.

Page Six:

In a happy horde, "Females-who-walk-upright" Have the same rights as "Men-who-walk-upright"!

It was almost mechanically that Rahan followed in the hunter's footsteps.
Clouds fringed with blood, over the distant mountains, announced the approaching night.

Arok cannot walk all night. He will stop to rest!
The first calls of nocturnal birds were already rising in the foliage.

Hardly had this thought crossed his mind than he caught a glimpse of the couple.
He was sound asleep at the foot of a tree.
She, feet bound, moaned softly.

Do not hesitate, Rahan!
Do not hesitate!
What you are about to do would amuse Crao the Just!

Page Seven:

A moment later, a long but soft whistle alerted the young woman.
And she saw a creeper coming down towards her!

A whisper fell from the foliage.
Rahan has come to deliver you, Alona!
Hold on to this vine and say nothing. Nothing!

While his "Captive" rose silently towards the foliage, hoisted by Rahan, Arok still slept.

Rahan is risking his life by helping Alona!
Arok's anger will be terrible!

Rahan is already leading his charge on the tormented track of the big branches.

Page Eight:

A little after.
Arok is a loyal hunter but my heart doesn't beat for him!
The clan leader, Helas, gave me to Arok!

This morning I wanted to flee Arok, flee my clan, and flee the territory.
But Arok, as a skillful hunter, quickly found my tracks.

He tied me up to take me back to the village.
It was on the way that the "Two Nose" attacked us!
Alona was serious and concerned.

Never had the son of Crao felt so embarrassed.
What are you going to do with me Rahan?
Abandon me?
Bring me back to the clan?
Uh, Uh?

Rahan had a horde once.
They had the right to choose their companion!
The custom is quite different with mine!

Page Nine:

It is the chief who decides to unite us with such or such hunters, according to the merits of this one or that!
And Arok has many merits?

Unfortunately, yes!
He is a great and brave hunter!
But Alona doesn't want to become his wife, since it's too much for her to be pregnant!

A cry of rage suddenly rang out.
Arok arose!
I finally found you Rahan!
So you pretend to steal Alona from me!!

Arok does not fear your knife, Rahan!
He will prove it to you!

Rahan does not need his knife to subdue Arok-the-guilty!
Deftly thrown, the weapon flew and stuck in a nearby tree trunk.

Page Ten:

A moment later, the two men were mortally engaged, and rolled in the tall grass.
They were as strong as each other.

If Arok was more massive, and more powerful, then the son of Crao was more agile, and more flexible than his adversary.

It was a strong and fair fight where each took the upper hand in turn.
Arok and Rahan are each so strong! Neither one nor the other will triumph!

Panting, the two men ceased this hopeless struggle.
If Marg-the-chief so decides.
Alona will be yours!

Alona will not be with Arok or Rahan!
She prefers to die in the jungle!
Furious, the young woman disappeared in the thick coppice.

Page Eleven:

Arok has lost the one who was to become his companion!
And Rahan has lost his knife!

However, behind the hills.
Arok should have brought Alona back to the village a long time ago!
I know, Taroo. And like you, I fear misfortune!

Marg-the-chief was concerned.
I did not know Alona was running away from our clan!
I did not think her love for you would drive her to defy custom!

Go find her, Taroo!
If by luck you bring her back alive, I promise you that we will make an exception to the custom!

At the same time, Arok and the son of Crao were searching for traces of the fugitive.
Look at this!
Alona is crafty!
By taking the path of water, she makes us lose her tracks!

Page Twelve:

Had the young woman descended or ascended the river?
It is difficult to swim against this current!
Rahan thinks she chose this direction!

If the river kills Alona, your clan's bad custom will be the cause!
Arok will also be guilty!

The two hunters observed each other with the same frankness.
What will you do if we find each other?
I will ask her to return to our clan.
But she will be free to decide her destiny!!

These are the words that Rahan likes to hear!!
Confidence, Arok, we will find her!
They were carried away by the current.

Here and there on the muddy shores roamed huge hippos.
Alona will not have risked herself in the middle of the "Flat-teeth".
She would have had to descend along the water-way again!

Page Thirteen:

Alona! Alona!
Only the bawling monkeys responded to the anxious calls that Arok occasionally made.

I hope she was able to escape the "Sky Killer"!
A bird with immense wings circled above the river.
It dove towards the two men.

Underwater Arok! Under water!
The Son of fierce ages had faced similar winged monsters before.
But he had never seen one so big!

The giant pterodactyl's fearsome beak smashed through the surface, narrowly missing Rahan.

The monster gained height and dived again.
The "killer of the Sky" never abandons its prey!
As long as he hasn't cut our throats, he will harass us!

Page Fourteen:

Flying level with the water, the bird returned to the attack.
Rahan will not let his throat be cut!

Arok sank, but the son of Crao waited.
He dodged the terrifying beak.

Clung to the clawed paws of the monster!
The monster carried him for a moment but, weighed down by this burden, could not regain height!

The great wings flapped heavily, but Rahan held on.
You never abandon your prey, but neither does Rahan!

Arok howled in admiration as his companion disappeared underwater, dragging the exhausted pterodactyl with him.

Page Fifteen:

Rahan had to use all his energy to drown the winged monster.
But in this strange aquatic fight between the man and the giant bird, the man came out victorious!

Rahan is the boldest hunter Arok has ever encountered!

The fight would have been faster if Rahan had had his knife!
Rahan will soon find his knife! Look out!!

Yes, with Taroo!
In the distance, indeed on a rocky platform overlooking the river, stood out two silhouettes.

They seemed to be surrounded by a halo on the Rock!?

Page Sixteen:

Placed in front of the young woman as if to protect her, Taroo seemed to face an invisible danger.
Taroo is a young hunter. He still lacks experience.
That is a reason to help her! Is not it Arok!?

The bitter little smile on Arok’s face faded.
As they swam to shore, Rahan guessed that his companion had overcome his jealousy.

A moment later, leaping into the thickets.
They were aware of the grunts of wild animals.
Alona and Taroo are being attacked by “Panthers”.

His hearing had not deceived the son of Crao.
The fight will be hard! Is Arok not afraid?
Arok is never afraid!

Three black panthers prowled at the foot of the rocky platform on which Alona and her companion had taken refuge.

Page Seventeen:

Arok has already faced "Baghaes" without any weapon.
He breaks their spines!
Rahan will try to imitate Arok!

The son of the fierce ages was too modest.
He too could, without a weapon, triumph over a beast.
But Rahan would still prefer to have his knife!

The two men huddled together, waiting for an opportunity to pounce.
The felines, thirty paces away, were only interested in the couple taking refuge on the platform.

When Rahan's battle cry alerted them, they turned sharply.

And the most violent, wildest melee began!
Stimulated by this unexpected help, Taroo immediately dove into it.

Page Eighteen:

Alona anxiously observed the phases of the triple confrontation.
She saw the first animal collapse under Taroo's blows.

She also saw Rahan who, riding a wild "Baghae", tried to break the vertebrae of its neck.

She saw Arok who, in an unfortunate position, was fighting fiercely.
Arok is in danger! Help him Taroo. Help him!

Without having heard this call, the young hunter was already rushing forward, brandishing the ivory knife.

A moment later, the three beasts were lying at the feet of the panting hunters.
Welded by this common fight, they exchanged friendly smiles.

Page Nineteen:

Arok won't forget that Taroo saved his life!
But it was Arok who came to Taroo's aid!

But how did Taroo find Alona?
We come very often to this rock, to admire the river.

And I knew she would come back here!
She came back!
The young hunter tenderly embraced his companion.

Rahan was right.
It is with Taroo that Alona will be happy!
Yes, those-who-walk-upright have the right to choose their destiny!

The son of Crao joyfully went to retrieve his knife, which remained stuck in the side of the "Baghae".
By courageously opposing the custom of your clan.

Page Twenty:

Alona gave an example to her sisters! May this example be followed!

It will be, Rahan!
Ours were too scared for Alona's life!
So all that is left for Rahan is to continue on his way.

No, brother! We owe you a lot!
All three of us!
Do us the kindness of staying with us for a while!

In these fierce times, where everything is a struggle for life.
The fraternity of "Those-who-walk-upright" was the most beautiful thing.

This was why the son of Crao agreed to stay among this clan.
As they descended the hill, into the sunset fires, Rahan and Arok seemed to be escorting the young couple to happiness.


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