Military Alliance is In Oz! Global First Strike on Elitist and D.S. Sympathisers, is Now Imminent!!!

1 year ago

August 9th through to the 18th, there will be the Largest Global Military Exercise Ever to be Held in History!
(Exercise being a Cover Story)
This is the Start of the Last of the Elitist's And D.S. Assets being Taken Down!
7 Numbered Naval Fleets from Over 28 Nations.

6 Maritime Command Components.

In 22 Different Time Zones at Once!
Ships From U.S.A , Japan , And India arrived in Sydney heads Two Days Ago Prepping for the Soo Called War Games/Exercises!

If this is Exercise & Training, Why are they Using LIVE FIRE??
Ask yourself these Questions???

Take Out their Skies, Take out their Maglevs, And what do they have left??
The Sea!
Take Them All Out Via Their Own Law in Place!
Maritime Law!
Sink Em All!!

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