Burblesqew McDurblerod - Vermintide 2 - EP5

1 year ago

Mahatma Yandhi / Health Bar Cum / Titty Taker / Don't call me a dirty dunce man / half a cum meter / random Faith No More Jizz Lobber reference / what is this testicle tentacle monster / vote no for clean air, just to spite Cho / remember when we were Dirty Wall Guys? / shitty jizz / Clay can't place the barrel / Michael More Food / pick me up so I can get some cum in me / don't use it right NOW! / top ten men I put in me bum / what ever happened to Juandez? / James Dean's billion dollar porno / bad lighting design / Joe Bardin falling down again / Cho impersonates Joe Bardin / guess the theme song / FUCKING Perry MASON! / non erotic asphyxiation / people are jotting notes! / cake farts / flopple physics / small hammer / Clay hates australia / burger king's creepy cum rags / Big Smoke's Burgerking Foot Order / Ron Swirlman / Parks And Rec sucks after Season 3 / Halesplurge McGurge / completely covered, all clothes on / ResurrecTED, the third Ted Movie / I'm a carcus on the ground-as you should be! / how can I be waiting to be rescued when I don't even know where I am? / Is that sinew? / Burble Splurge / this game does not understand simple aspects of game design, like making the outlines work further than two inches away, not using way points at all, stuff like that / blumbus blumple / blampus blumpus / blankus blunkus / blinkle blork gave me hiccups / I'm a little glunkus boy / TO BE CONTINUED

If you can't get Vermintide 2 to launch. Try unplugging your router/modem or both. Verify your files/delete and reinstall the game. Then restart your computer.

Bitchute: https://bit.ly/3r7zLKd
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-903227
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ClayChoShow
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@ClayChoShow:5

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Ending Theme: "Game On!" By The Heatley Bros: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrNhn4HeGqs

Monopoly Guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDCfN2Nv7Pk&feature=youtu.be&t=9m44s&ab_channel=RetroRo
#shorts #gaming #letsplay

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