Evening Star - Knowing

1 year ago

"Don't despise prophecies, but test all things. Hold on to what is good. Stay away from every kind of evil."

- 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22

When it comes to prophecies spoken by people today, many tend to roll their eyes. It's understandable, considering there have been many false prophets and teachers, that have made statements that never came to pass.

Despite all that, we have a mandate in the Bible as to how our response to prophecies should be. It requires us to take the responsibility to actually use discernment. In our quick and convenient, on demand existence; taking the time to analyze if a prophecy is true; is a challenge.

We can't automatically assume one thing or another. It shouldn't be a given that a person is right or wrong. Instead we need to PRAYERFULLY SEEK what God wants us to know, concerning any "prophecy" given.

We are living in the end times. Unlike previous generations; they've only had a single event that made them believe they were the ones to see Judgement Day. All these past situations were always made by the conclusion of those who were Biblically illiterate and their nation was about to be invaded or their leader sadistic.

Unlike the past, Bible prophecy is being unfolded before our very eyes. This isn't a single foretelling of a prophecy but a plethora.








In addition, there's this as a possibility:


Despite everything going on; the world's current state, in God's calendar of events; we are in Matthew 24 (anyone that isn't familiar with that Passage, needs to read it) but at any moment the page can turn into the Book of Revelations.

This leads to the video and the 2015 prophecy given by Heidi Baker. I was aware of the Heidi Baker prophecy because she shared it on The Jim Bakker Show. Back when she shared it; it sounded absolutely ridiculous. There was no hint of a systems collapse at all.

As the lockdowns due to COVID was easing and news reports of systems failures being a situation; which were exactly described as Heidi's prophecy; I looked for it online. The thing that was available is the one shared by the host to this video.

Which is important to note: the book that's mentioned, it is NOT endorsed by me. It's unknown if it's good, reliable material. As far as Heidi Baker actually sharing her message on The Jim Bakker Show; its probably in their programs large video files of an entire show but they do not recognize the importance of what she prophesied and so not specifically titled for a searchable video.

The reason her prophecy is important, there's no way she could have simply made an "educated guess." There were no hints or clues to anything that would cause problems on the level she was sharing. It's why her prophecy needs to be taken seriously considered and heavily prayed about.

Here's what's going on now:


This food shortage is in large part a result of environmental factors that can not be controlled but there's a huge man-made element to this that adds to make this a global nightmare.




The two most common reactions to such information is to either be afraid and overreact and the other, be in denial. Those in denial or have a fatalistic mentality as to whatever is going to happen, is going to happen. I can't do anything about that." As Christians, God calls us to live in Truth, not whatever fantasy world we construct for ourselves.

In Mark 13:35-37, Jesus says that we are to watch, to be aware of what's going on in the world around us. There are no exceptions, Jesus did put a clause for those living near the Last Days, they aren't required to. This does NOT allow anyone to bury their head in the sand.

Luke 19:12-13 says that we are to occupy until His return. That does not leave room for people to have a fatalistic mentality of letting the evil going on; to take a it's supposed to happen. Everyone is called to stand up against the darkness. It's not our responsibility with our come, only that we are faith doing our part to do whatever is right.

Mark 13:14-18 shows that there's is responsibilities on our parts, when it comes to dealing with disasters. Those that have the, "I'm going to trust Jesus!" Well Jesus already given Word to certain situations. These situations needs to be handled Biblically not wishful thinking.

The opposite side of the spectrum is fear and trying to handle the situation by panicking and rushing to the store. Problem with that is there is a lot that is not known and without knowledge or direction; you can being doing more harm than good.

The first most important step, regardless what you're reaction happens to be, is to stop and actually pray. Address your fear and concerns to the Lord. Start having a Biblical response. If you're uncertain where to start, here's a good place to go:


From there, pray that God supply with wisdom and direction. There's no way to determine how long this situation will last and the typical individual might not have the means to make it, unless one turns to the Lord for help.

Those that have never experienced God's leading in their lives; the reason for such, is sin. This doesn't mean being sinless or struggling but rather sins you know are sins but are completely fine with entertaining them.

The days of "guilty pleasures" need to be placed behind you and compromise needs to be out the door. One of the ways many are guilty of compromising with sin is but supporting it. To understand this point, check out the links below.



Instead of supporting people, online platforms & corporations, that support ungodly principles; for fleshly reasons; honor God with your time & resources that actually honor God or Biblical values.









It's also important to support social media platforms that upholds liberty. The only way to know what's going on, is through the channel of free and uncensored information.







This leads to the next issue at hand; reliable information. The next set of links are really good places to obtain knowledge of current events. . It won't replace your local news but knowing what's actually going on in one's country and around the world, is vital in this day and age.




With everything going on, the link below is important for covering food and other resource related material.


It's also vital to bear in mind that to get through this, it's not going to be one your own. History bears witness to community is what helps people make it through circumstances such as this.


In essence, by actually being how the church is supposed to be; this difficulty won't just help you and those you care about but it will also impact the people around you.

For everyone reading this, please consider evaluating the material in the three links below. There are a lot of things going on in the world but it's an issue that can impact your family or someone you care about.



Consider getting involved by praying, as well as sharing those two links with everyone you know.

Anyone that gets blessed by the content posted; please consider supporting the channel (which requires no money at all; everything is absolutely free). By hitting the "like" button to every video you enjoy and subscribe.

Those that are not signed-up with Rumble; consider doing so under this channel by using the link below.


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Putting likes, subscribing and signing-up to Rumble; with the use of my referral code; helps this channel and its content get more recognition. That opens the door for more people seeing these videos.

That's also why I'd like to ask that you'd support all the various content creators on Rumble, by putting "likes" and subscribing to channels you enjoy. It might not seem like much but it helps all those involved, to get their material out there.

It also helps this platform. The reason you see content creators say to hit the like button and subscribe to their channel; it does help that creator but more than that; online analytics companies such as GlobalData, BoldData, Infotanks Media, etc., get hired by big corporations to provide data to see how active a platform is.

When members view, put likes, leave comments and subscribe; all of the activity helps those corporations know whether or not to pour in large sums of money to a platform. What people get for free, such as TV and radio broadcast, as well as the numerous free access to online platforms and apps; all of it is done so by corporations going through the process of viewing how active a particular medium is and how many people are part of it.

When it comes to Rumble, it is one of the only two video sharing platforms that are free speech. You won't get censored and will be able to view the opinions and information that you won't get anywhere else.

The same actions of putting likes, writing comments and subscribing; at the other free speech platform; would be an important thing to do as well. That other video sharing platform:


If either one of these are lost; the capability to access reliable information; will be harder. That's why it is something to take time to do. Praying for the success of both platforms are equally important.

Along the same vain; supporting business, as well as content creators; that will uphold values that are trying to get cancelled; is essential. Supporting artists, such as the one below; will boost the songs notoriety but it will also embolden others to do the same. I've put likes and subscribed; doing my part to get it recognized. This is despite the fact that I'm not a country music fan and his music really isn't my cup of tea but the principle is (it's important to note that there are a few "bad words" used in the song).


The most valuable of all actions to take is prayer. Praying for the success of the platforms, issues and causes is a priceless act. For God is real and He does answer prayers. Receiving any prayers, lifted up for this channel, is without question, greatly appreciated. With the Woke movement being the way it is, I'm not going to give out my name but you can always ask that God would bless "the person who operates the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know who you're talking about. Thank you for your time and consideration!

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