The Alex Jones Show - June 22, 2012 with Lord Christopher Monckton

1 year ago

On the Friday, June 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Lord Monckton and Marc Morano who are covering the United Nations' Rio+20 earth summit on the globalists' version of sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Morano edits the Climate Deport website and Monckton is a British politician who has spoken out vociferously on the debunked theory of man-made climate change.

Alex also talks with filmmaker Joel Gilbert about his Dreams from My Real Father, a documentary that posits Obama's real father is was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama's world view during his formative years. Dreams from My Real Father is now available at the Infowars Store. Alex also covers the fact that the EPA long ago developed drone spy planes to surveil American farmers and ranchers. A report posted on was widely panned as bogus by the establishment media. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

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