Reconnecting with the Cosmos: The Tragedy of Light Pollution | Joe Rogan Experience #2013

1 year ago

Join us as Joe discusses the impact of light pollution on our view of the stars and the cosmos. Modern civilization's excess artificial lighting has hidden one of the most awe-inspiring sights—the stars above us. Joe shares his experience at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, where he witnessed the breathtaking beauty of an unpolluted night sky, filled with stars and the Milky Way. Let's delve into the importance of preserving our connection with the cosmos and embracing the wonder of the universe. #LightPollution #Stargazing #CosmicView #Astronomy #KeckObservatory #NightSky #StarryNight #AncientWonders #CosmosExploration #JoeRoganExperience #PaulRosolie

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