
1 year ago

K15 of the Wise Owl Knits Fibercast. Welcome, if you are a new viewer, and welcome back if you have watched previously. Show notes and links can be found below, or are also available at https://www.wiseowlknits.com/fibercast

In this podcast I talk about what I am wearing, what I am making, designs in progress, news from the knitting world including KALs or MALs that you might want to know about and podcasts that you might want to add to your viewing list. I may also talk about books, exercise, fasting, religion, or anything that I am currently thinking about.

Time Stamps if you want to skip around.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:27 What I am Wearing
00:04:00 Finished Projects
00:05:42 What I am Making
00:06:43 Designs in Progress
00:14:05 State Fair Results
00:17:42 Comments from P14
00:22:25 Reading
00:24:50 What is going on in my life.

I am Wearing
Brave and Kind Shawl, which was inspired by some women that showed a lot of courage under attack by the cancel mob is 2019 and 20. The stripes are mini skeins from Maria Tusken, and the main color is from Tina at Awyennedd Yarn & Fibers. https://awenyddyarn.com/

Finished Projects
Christmas Stockings for Bella & Luke https://www.wiseowlknits.com/product-...

What I am Making
Christmas Stocking for Irene. Still have to do one for Alice & Kyle

Design Progress
New DK-weight colorwork sweater with Knitty McPurly Dubrovnic DK, colors are Fathom, Morel, Fantine, and Bougie. Lots of 1 x 1 colorwork. Long sleeves or short sleeves? How much colorwork on the body? https://knittymcpurly.com/

New DK-weight from Ravelution. This will also be a colorwork sweater, but just 2 colors. I am working on the charts for this one. https://www.ravelutionyarn.ca/

Wildflower is going into testing within a few days. If you are on the test knit list, watch for an email from me this weekend.

Solomon Poncho Test is on-going.

State Fair Results
2 Blue Ribbons, Wildflower and Solomon Poncho. Honorable Mention on the Trinitro

Book Report
Becoming Elizabeth Elliott by Ellen Vaughn Becoming Elisabeth Elliott


Going on in my Life
Camping Trip
New Bronco

You can see all of my patterns at https://www.wiseowlknits.com

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