Four Angels Released – A Third of Mankind are Killed – Revelation 9:13-21

1 year ago

In this study Pastor Kevin teaches on the sixth trumpet judgment after reviewing the first five. Unlike the fifth trumpet, judgment which was a five-month torment (but not death) of everyone on earth except the hundred-and-forty-four-thousand who were sealed/protected by God, the sixth trumpet results in massive death. In the sixth trumpet judgment, demonic angels are released at the Euphrates. This releasing somehow results in a two-hundred-million strong horse and rider judgment that results in one third of the remaining population of the earth being killed. Pastor Kevin explains how this judgment differs from the sixth bowl of wrath judgment in Revelation chapter 16. Those who confuse the two teach that the two-hundred-million horses are a prophecy about a Chinese mechanized army bringing death to the world. Explaining why this view is not what the scriptures teach about the sixth trumpet, Kevin teaches the alternate interpretation that this judgment is another unleashing of demonic forces.
Associated notes and links at the church’s website under sermon Archives, Revelation,

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