1st Samuel 18-1 Verse of the day - 1 correct way of meditation in description -show more

1 year ago

6th day of the week, 11th day of the month, 8th month of the year, 2023
Verse of the day 1st Samuel 18-1
1Sa 18:1  And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. 

Turn my stuff down, Get quiet, Get with God, and go to town. Come back later and listen to my stuff if you are led to do so.

Unlike many in this old world teach, Meditation is not getting quiet, focusing on this or that while opening yourself up to every critter in the universe both seen and unseen.

No no no it is not. For what that does is open you up to all the forces of darkness also. Including the prince of the power of the air, and all of those beholden to that ol dragon.

What worked for me to beat both those who were merely deceived and those who were willfully teaching lies to deceive was focusing on Jesus Christ. that was my big not at all secret, secret to "escaping" that deception and learning over time to quiet my mind and get with God.

Dont fall for the fake stuff that leads those with itchy ears astray.

Those called by God will understand this "instinctively". For it is the Holy Spirit of God leading you away from it.
Your soul should recoil from error such as this that opens you up to accepting falsehoods and possessions by devils that can lead one quickly to hell, as if you had come into contact with a hot flame and recoiled in pain, if you are even but called by Jesus Christ, and perhaps not yet chosen to be filled even fuller.

So there is a beginning deeper thing God let US know.
Focus on God during meditation. not some flame or voice speaking imaginary things.
Have a great day people.
Later Taters.

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