BLAST WAVE! Hits S. Nevada 8-11-18 NV time 8-12-18 UTC

1 year ago

Full capture of what looked like a cme or emp coming into our atmosphere and getting absorbed into Black Mountain here in Southern Nevada.
Captured looking south west from Henderson near Heritage Park August 11, 2018...
7 months later, March 26, 2019 Trump issued executive order No. 13865 to "Coordinate National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses"
Coincidence ?
And why did we NOT get some sort of notice ?
Like NASA could not have seen this coming at us and issued a warning of some kind ? To protect our electronics and our BRAINS from this harmful energy?
Or ?
What do we pay them for ?
Dare to ask the questions... I sent this video to MULTIPLE agencies and still no response to this day... 3 years later... 9-21-21
This 'system' that moved through produced vertical lightning beams and damaged our side garden area including a small birds nest that was petrified...
Not cool...
Where was our warning from NASA and the folks in charge of monitoring these things ?

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