Leo Spears Chiropractic Hospital Documentary

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"The Spears Chiropractic Hospital Documentary film. Tedd Koren digitalized and preserved this film for Chiropractic History. Leo Spears built this Chiropractic hospital in Denver, Colorado. The full length documentary film is shown here. Take a few moments and see this astonishing and amazing film about chiropractic's history.
In 1933, the forerunner to the Spears Hospital was incorporated as the Spears Free Clinic and Hospital for Poor Children. In its peak years, the clinic served 200-300 patients each day. Prior to World War II, Dr. Spears extended the clinic's services to the remote communities with his Spears Traveling Clinic, a converted housetrailer.
Dr. David S. Walther and his father both knew and interacted with Dr. Leo Spears in their early years.
Dr. Spears began the monumental task of building a chiropractic hospital in 1940. He purchased a 15-acre tract of ranch land east of Denver in a tax sale. The first unit, a 236-bed facility dedicated to Dr. Willard Carver, was opened May 1, 1943. A second, larger building with a 364-bed capacity was opened in 1949 and dedicated to D.D. Palmer.
It's been estimated that the Spears Chiropractic Hospital contributed in excess of $5 million in free services over the years. Converting $5 million dollars to today would be over $5 billion dollars."



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