UnHealthy Red & White Blood Cells Found Spiking & Clotting After 6 Days From A VAXXXed 67 yr Old Male

1 year ago

The Vascular blood and plasma of a 67 year old double vaxxxinated male was extracted and kept in a sealed test tube for 6 days at room temperature and than viewed for spiked protein, graphene, parasites, hydrogel, graphene-based biosensors and antennae and blood clots.

Prior to extracting the blood, the 67 year old vaxxxinated male was following an acidic lifestyle of smoking, alcohol and junk food die-it!

Our team of researchers were NOT surprised to view under brightfield, darkfield and pHase contrast microscopy sick unhealthy spiking and clotting red and white blood cells showing rouleau, clots, cross-linking fibrin nets, high levels of spiking and crowning (the spiked protein and corona effect) of the red blood cell membranes, all assoicated with oxygen deprivation and cellular membrane degeneration from a compromised toxic or acidic vascular fluid environment due to an acidic lifestyle and die-it!

What makes this live blood analysis so significant is viewing with our own eyes and understanding with our own minds that the single most important thing any man or woman can do to protect their health, energy and vitality is to manage and maintain the alkaline design of the body fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and live-it!

To learn what you need to do to protect the alkaline design of your body fluids, read The pH Miracle revised and updated book and follow the protocol outlined in Chapters 5 and 11.

You can order The pH MIracle revised and updated book at: www.phmiracleproducts.com

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