ASMR | Why Are You So Small?

3 years ago

Y r u so smol tho?

So this is definitely my weirdest vid yet. Featuring no small amount of pretty special facial expressions. And a somewhat eccentric alter ego. I hope you enjoy it.

This draws inspirations from ASMR classics such as Doctor Exams, Measuring You, Experimenting On You, Asking You Personal Questions, and of course good old Personal Attention.


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★ Here you can add subtitles for WHY ARE YOU SO SMALL in your own language(s)! ★


Executive Producers (my wonderful patrons):
Umba, Jeremy, Marina Briggs, The Happy Kodiak, Jack Kealy, deadmystic_, Sadie, bowlingEnnui, Jotunn, Ryan Kirkwood, Birch in the woods ASMR, Danelle Van der Koon, Shaye Jackson, Kricket, Pookieybaby , AndromedaCat, Little Miss N, Sinan Zhao, Adrien, Emmanuelle, Summer Skye, Laura Picard, dd, matilda.ccd, murphy, April Sedillo, Hayden Ong, Alfonso Amaya, Nat Mat, johnny redford, Jules, Gina, Gustaf, Saffron Hine, Laura Torn, Cyprian, Thomas F, Sabrina Brasch, a Canadian in Bordeaux, William McClumpha, Mathilde, Nikola Lindenberg, othon , Oliver Keller, Tristan, Spooky Lyns, Isabelau, Lillantha, Yves sauriol, Delilah Patton, Vero, Roz Parfitt, Joseph McFarlane, Emma Kells, Gigi, Leo , Impossible Albatross, Ally H.S., Neko, Sylvain Gilibert - S. G. Dir., Damian Greensill, Lacxu , Melissa Jacob, Amanda Karah, Jacob Hargraves, Bradley Buss, Avani Maan, Nicolas Kick, Amber W, AwhatsName, JT Lily, Avocado, amber., Rebecca Meyer, Anna_808, Mark Musgrave, Morganne Pritchard, Loggue, miel, Jenny A, GentleRayneASMR, WhisperAudios ASMR, Melissa Zaffarano, Obsessedmhaabby, Alice Thornburgh, SPDarklord , Crastinateur, Megan Monkman, Nanci Ives, Alyssa Ortega, Timothy V, K SMR, Brea, Lindsay, Katie ASMR, SunshineLaPeep, Katya , Mini Mestiza ASMR, Bearded Audio ASMR, Roady , Alex Savoie, Barbara Feser, Laurel Nelson, Connor Roberts, Dusky, Jessie K, Allyson Bede, Dan Wooten,Savi Nien, Theyseekherthere, marytaleofnewyork, John Whitley, Jim 5 ASMR, Tippy Tappy, Kate Biddle, gigi surreal, Jenni, The Red Wolf, J, KB RisingStar, NK, Aidan Cameron, William Gentleman, christopher, Austin Aka Schnibby, Iris Leck, Emerson Jones, Bobby Allen, call me DJ, Emily, SpiggyPop, emily rose, Carla Segura, Tyto_Elleba, Erica, Ele Valero, Dizzie Ell, Katherine Lloyd, Daniel Nehring II, ShadyRedPanda, Nick, Growl, Ola, Knight, R. Tyler McLamb, Shortbread, Beth, Sufficiently Advanced Lena, Dean Skibinski, GB, Amy Cross, Saida, Daniel Kuster, Itachi Brass, saripari95, LavenderUnstable, pathanoid, n k


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Why are you whispering at me?!

#ASMR is an acronym commonly used to describe the 'tingly' sensation associated with certain audio/visual stimulae - often whispering/soft-spoken voice, and other quiet triggers. It's a similar feeling to 'Frisson' - the shivers that run up your spine when watching an incredible scene in a film, or really /feeling/ amazing music. It's the best.

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