ASMR | Your Cinema Escape 🍿

3 years ago

I've made this in partnership with the legendary @CineworldCinemas. Head to to sort your xmas shopping early!!

This was special for ya pal Atlas. In creating an ASMR experience with Cineworld (which will play in their ACTUAL FREAKINGGG CINEMA), I was able to take full advantage of their venue, their movies, their snacks and gift range, etc… with the joint aim of delivering a little Christmas-y goodness.

I give you gifts in it too, because I'm nice like that. Feel free to buy the real versions from the link above (let me know if you do!). Their gifting range make for great stocking stuffers or secret Santa gifts.

Anyway. I’m very excited to share it with you and I hope you like it.

Atlas x


🎓 Creative types, I’m a Skillshare nut (for real) and reckon you should be too.
Try it out! (not sponsored, just an affiliate link and 30% off!)

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★ Here you can add subtitles in your own language(s)! ★


Executive Producers (my wonderful patrons):
Adam Hansen, muku, Sam Coulson-Lowes, CookieNinja, Maia, Shaine Morgan, Benjamin Bernard, Dineth Gunasekera, Discordant, crowboop, Jack Keogh, Jake Inzerra, Anelisa Ninh, Alex Zheng, Shree, Kiera, Chloe Feller, Amore Love, Nobody, Laura Ansell, Roxane L, Jonas Altrogge, legoshi, ben, christer s, Ella Windsor, Rafaelisti, Kimmel, Dungarees, Laura Chambers, MG, Jane, Andress, Cynthia Yu, Tom, Jacob, Relaxing Male ASMR, Tucker Morgan, Skylar, Edgar Velazquez, Jackson Addley, Tara Walker, Isaiah Meriweather, Brian De La O, Riley S, Jay, Maggie Sumruld, MagentaDaydreamer360, Maggie Sumruld, Kris, Mixedmedia Michelle, Maqwheel, Gerardo Chavez, David Luav, dreamypixie, Amber, (phantasmagoria), Tim, Krimspen, Tyler Thatcher, Alexis, TheRagingSkwrl, AK Barratt, Emmeline, Sam Alvarez, April, Maddy, Ken Di Vincenzo, T Porter, Mr. Blue Sky, NathanASMR, Ana (Atomic Angel), Cailin Coane, Nix, Daston Caswell-Roy, Emma, Mlle. de Crevecoeur, Texas Whisperer ASMR, Nick Tebbs, ella, Morgan Turner, Elisabeth Engstrom, David Veit, KhellJaw, Alizey, Leticia Felices, Max Russo, Francisco Leos, Jonathan Kinsman, Dirac_is_over, Hemera Stories, Annalisa Bastiani, Samantha Slaughter, Morgan Lui, Ash Doulton, CJ Payne, faith vandruff, Zack Sowers, Moises Cruz, Kelly Russell, Naomi Hodgson, Mei Pan, AnnaGee Harris, nothingcleveroccurs, Felicia, BarryanaGrande, Knight, R. Tyler McLamb, Shortbread Beth, GB, Amy Cross, Saida, Daniel Kuster, LavenderUnstable, pathanoid, Aidan Braidwood, William Gentleman, christopher, AustinEngstrom, Emerson Jones, call me DJ, Emily, SpiggyPop, emily rose, Carla Segura, Tyto_Elleba, Erica, Ele Valero, Dizzie Ell, Mickey McKeown, Daniel Nehring II, ShadyRedPanda, Nick Growl Ola, Jeremy , Marina Briggs, The Happy Kodiak, Jack Kealy, Sadie, bowlingEnnui, Jotunn, Ryan Kirkwood, Danelle Van der Koon, Shaye J., Kricket, Pookieybaby , AndromedaCat, Little Miss N, Sinan Zhao, Summer Skye, dd., matilda.ccd, April Sedillo, Hayden Ong, Alfonso Amaya, Nat Mat, Jules, Gina, Gustaf , Saffron Hine, Cyprian, Thomas F, Sabrina Brasch, a Canadian in Bordeaux, William McClumpha, Mathilde, Nikola Lindenberg, Tristan, Spooky Lyns, Isabelau, Lillantha, Delilah Patton, Vero, Roz Parfitt, Emma Kells, Leo , Impossible Albatross, Ally H.S., Neko, Sylvain Gilibert–S. G. Dir., Damian Greensill, Melissa Jacob, Amanda, Karah, Jacob Hargraves, Bradley Buss, Avani Maan, Nicolas Kick, Amber W, AwhatsName, JT Lily, Rebecca Meyer, Anna_808, Mark Musgrave, Morganne Pritchard, miel, Jenny A, WhisperAudios ASMR, Obsessedmhaabby,, Alice Thornburgh, SPDarklord , Crastinateur, Alyssa Ortega, Umba, Timothy V, K SMR, Brea, Lindsay, Katie ASMR, Katya, Bearded Audio ASMR, Roady, Alex Savoie, Dusky, Allyson Bede, Dan Wooten, Savi Nien, Theyseekherthere, marytaleofnewyork, Jim 5 ASMR, Tippy Tappy, Kate Biddle, Jenni, J, KB RisingStar

Why are you whispering at me?!

#ASMR is an acronym commonly used to describe the tingly/buzzing/static sensation associated with certain audio/visual stimulae - often whispering/soft-spoken voice, and other quiet triggers. It's a similar feeling to 'frisson' - the shivers that run up your spine when watching an incredible scene in a film, or really /feeling/ amazing music. It's the best.

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