1 year ago

1- Soon there'll be tribulation such as never been before,
Starting at the dedication of the 3rd temple.
We will see the men of sin out conquering the world,
But with the peace of God within we will lean on the Lord.
Through war and through famine, and persecution, we will be leaning on the Lo - o - ord!
When the trumpet judgments fall upon the nations,
We will be leaning on the Lord !
We will be leaning on the Lord !
2- When the Antichrist becomes the ruler of the world,
The false prophet will have them make an image to the beast.
And all the world will worship the image of the man of sin,
But we will not bow, we will not fear though we face the guillotine.
Through death or through famine, and persecution, we will be leaning on the Lo-o-ord!
When the seven thunders fall upon the nations,
We will be leaning on the Lord !
We will be leaning on the Lord !
3- God's two witnesses will stand against the government.
With Holy boldness they'll proclaim their soon coming judgment.
We will stand with them until the end of their ministry,
When they will be killed, but they will arise, and will mount up to the sky.
And we will give glory to our God in heaven,
We will give glory to the Lo - o - ord!
When the vials of wrath fall upon the nations,
We will give glory to the Lord!
We will give glory to the Lord!
4- On the last day, Jerusalem will be made desolate.
All the cities of the world will fall by the great earthquake.
When the sun goes dark, the moon turns red, and the stars begin to fall,
We will be listening for the trump of God to sound.
CHORUS 4 (Repeat twice)
And we will see Jesus coming down from heaven,
He will be coming in the clou - ou - oud!
The dead in Christ shall rise and with them we will fly,
To meet with Jesus in the air!
We will meet Jesus in the air!
We will meet Jesus in the air!

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