COVIDLAND Part 1: The Lockdown [InfoWars Documentary

1 year ago

COVIDLAND Part 1: The Lockdown is the first video of a three-part InfoWars Documentary exposing the totalitarian, unscientific, and unconstitutional powers that countries around the world simultaneously imparted upon their own citizenry.
Part one focuses on the novel and unscientific locking down of healthy people during the COVID-19 Plandemic, forcing people to "stay safe at home" (even though pre-COVID-19 it has never been done as a measure for stopping the spread of any virus) for "15 days to stop the spread." Instead "the experts" have been shockingly pretending all previous knowledge about quarantining only sick folks were non-existent, accusing anyone who is educated about the myriad of potential harms caused by the unconstitutional lockdowns (especially on children missing out on schooling, friends, and impairing their development and elderly dying afraid and alone) being pushed on the populous.

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