'Illuminati owns the NBA? This video is blocked in most countries..' - 2013

1 year ago

Publication date unknown

"(Awesome links located below the following MUST READ info!:)~

98% of Hollywood and the music industry have major ties with the entertainers, including athletes, and they are being controlled by the members of Illuminati as they are promised great riches if they just simply join the group and take the oath. Essentially these entertainers sell their souls to Satan for riches.

Illuminati members are possessed servants of Satan. Satan loves symbolism and loves blasphemy of Christ. Illuminati are encouraged to wear crosses and to use blasphemy towards God and to Christ the Savior.

Some of this hand signs are the triangle which represents a universal "gang sign" for them that are members of Illuminati. The number 6 sign representing 666 which is a sign of Satan according to the book of Revelation in the Bible.

Illuminati flows in the NBA. Kobe changed his number to 24. Why? because 2 + 4 is 6. Then LeBron changed his number straight to 6. Noticed before each game, LeBron does his "baby powder throw." That`s really a thank you to Illuminati. Lady Gaga also, when she did her Bad Romance performance with all the "blood" and what now? That was her worshiping the Illuminati. The original of "Devil Horns" hand gestured was originated by Satanic witches and they use the popular Rock bands to create a culture of which it is cool to throw up "Devil Horns" as if you say Rock on. Don`t be fooled again.....

Amazing Larry Bird

See Al Bundy sell his soul to go to the Superbowl..

Roseanne Barr sells her soul.

Katy Perry sells soul..

Bob Dylan sold his soul long ago..

Nicole Scherzinger: Says You Have to Sell Your Soul to the Devil to make it famous.

The satanist our children idolize 24/7.. Very disturbing (MUST SEE!)

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