Glenn | 🎯 (Check Description)

1 year ago

Glenn Greenwald: "The most unhinged, deranged, and evidence-free conspiracy theory in the last 20 years... didn't come from boomer pages on Facebook, nor from the bowels of 4chan... It came instead from the largest and most powerful media corporations...

For years they recited a deranged script cooked up by the CIA that maintained that Russia had seized control of the levers of American power through various forms of sexual, personal, and financial blackmail held over the head of Donald Trump...

The defenders of this conspiracy theory barely blinked, let alone apologized, or issued retractions when their Jack Smith of 2018, former Bush-Cheney FBI Director Robert Mueller, closed his 18-month investigation without even mentioning, let alone vindicating this laughable and paranoid McCarthyite tail...

In Newsweek, political science professor Max Abrahms argues with compelling evidence that the case for suspecting Ukraine's leverage over Biden is far more credible than the fever swamp dream that Trump was controlled with sexual and financial blackmail by Putin...

As is so often the case, the Biden administration is the living, breathing embodiment of what Democrats breathlessly accuse Trump and his administration of being."

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